
  • 网络Cover;margin call;short covering
  1. 强制平仓的实体条件包括客户补仓不能及客户未能偿还到期债务两种,补仓不能是本文分析的重点。

    The entity requirements of forced liquidation , including margin call failure and due debt repay failure , and margin call failure is the focus of this analysis .

  2. 开盘时支付初始保证金5000元,后来补仓2240元,共付出7240元;

    Altogether he pays $ 7240 , the sum of the initial margin $ 5000 and a margin call of $ 2240 .

  3. 分析人士表示,银行股的上涨同样由于交易员进行了补仓,以回应美国证券交易委员会(SEC)阻止滥用卖空金融股的新规定。

    Analysts said bank stocks also rose as traders covered short positions in response to new rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission to prevent abusive short-selling of financial institutions ' shares .

  4. 留一些子弹,逢低补仓或进仓就是了。

    Leave some'bullets ' , just adding or come into the position at low .

  5. 如果你在休市前大胆补仓,那么就挽回大部分的损失。

    If you bravely add the ratio before closing , you will restore most of the losses .

  6. 我认为今天的反弹主要是股票抛空后的短暂补仓,并非是真正的买进。

    I think today the rebound is just mainly due to short covering and not due to genuine buying .

  7. 下个月是财政年度的年底,传统上这是一个补仓和从海外撤回资金的时候。

    Next month is the end of the fiscal year , traditionally a time to cover positions and bring funds home .

  8. 隔夜期货交易显示,华尔街更倾向于在星期一因股票下跌而损失4.24%寸头后静观其势而非在熊市中补仓。

    Overnight futures trading suggested that Wall Street would open to less bearish trading than the sell-off that fueled its4.24 % loss Monday .

  9. 过去一年油价崩盘也促使航空公司、能源公司及对冲基金进行补仓。

    The collapse of oil prices in the past year has also spurred airlines , energy companies and hedge funds to add positions .

  10. 事实上,此次韩元的走弱是由投机者对美元的需求而引发的,他们需要大量美元进行补仓。

    In fact , the decline was triggered by demand for the dollar from speculators trying to cover large short positions in that currency .

  11. 这票还不错,但你在高位套了,最好现在补仓,摊低成本。

    This bank note is right still , but you were covered in perch , had better fill now storehouse , booth low cost .

  12. 美国达成临时协议避免了历史性的债务违约之后,本来卖空黄金的交易商们争相补仓,使得金价出现一个月来最大的单日涨幅。

    Gold enjoyed its biggest one-day gain in a month as traders scrambled to cover short positions following a temporary deal to avoid a historic US debt default .

  13. 我们当然可以使货币投机者碰个焦头烂额,但需要现金在其他地方补仓的投资者,已经转向本港这个资金流动性十分高的市场,寻找资金。

    We can burn the currency speculator , but the investor in need of cash to cover positions elsewhere has turned to our highly-liquid market to find it .

  14. 换言之,市场庄家若持有外汇基金票据及债券短仓,可用这些指定债务工具长仓来补仓,反之亦然。

    In other words , a short position of a market maker in Exchange Fund paper can be covered by a long position in SIs , or vice versa .