
  • 网络Compensation Fund;compensating fund;FCVS
  1. d.实行森林地租制度,建立公益林生态效益补偿基金;

    D. carrying out the forest land rent system and establishing forest ecological benefit compensation fund ;

  2. 巨灾债券的发行,首先是债券发起人(巨灾补偿基金)为了分散其面临的巨灾风险,设立一个特殊目的机构(SPV)并与其签订再保险合约。

    At the beginning , in order to disperse catastrophe risk , the promoter ( catastrophe compensation fund ) sets a special purpose vehicle ( SPV ), and then signs a reinsurance contract with it .

  3. 浙江省于2004年起全面实施200万HM2重点公益林森林生态效益补偿基金制度,开展公益林森林资源与生态状况综合监测及效益评价已成迫切需求。

    From 2004 , a compensation system has been implemented in Zhejiang province for 2,000,000 ha public welfare forest .

  4. 关于建立森林生态效益补偿基金制度的探讨

    Discussion on Setting up Compensative Funds System of Forest Ecological Benefits

  5. 论我国食品安全事故补偿基金制度的建构

    On the extablishment of compensation fund system in China 's food safety incidents

  6. 第三章论述了巨灾补偿基金的资金需求。

    The third chapter deals with the funding requirements of catastrophic Compensation Fund .

  7. 生态效益补偿基金制度变迁分析

    Analysis on Ecological Benefits Compensation Fund System Changes

  8. 广西6县(区)新农合住院补偿基金运行情况年度比较分析

    Annual Comparative Analysis of the Operation of Patient Compensation Fund of 6 Counties in Guangxi

  9. 进一步改革企业固定资产补偿基金和修理费用的财务制度

    Reforming the Financial System of Compensatory Fund for Fixed Assets and Repair Expenses in Enterprises

  10. 第二节是对环境侵权损害补偿基金的研究。

    The second section is the fund of the compensation for damage from environmental tort .

  11. 农村水利补偿基金筹集途径研究

    Raising Compensation Fund of Rural Water Conservancy

  12. 4更新理念,积极筹措药物不良反应补偿基金。

    Renovate concepts , actively plan and prepare the compensating funds of adverse drug reaction .

  13. 建立生态补偿基金;

    Establishing compensates funds of ecology ;

  14. 以存款保险制度和证券投资者补偿基金作为社会补偿创新风险的机制。

    The security investor compensation fund and deposit insurance system could be the innovation risk compensation mechanism .

  15. 它包括:中央财政转移支付的西部生态补偿基金;

    The mechanism includes : ecological compensation fund for the West from the central finance as transfer payment ;

  16. 启动天然林保护工程,建立森林生态效益补偿基金制度;

    Starting the natural forest protection engineering and setting up the compensation fund system for forest ecological benefits ;

  17. 除了这些方式以外,我们还可以利用保险证券化产品来为巨灾补偿基金筹集资金。

    Aside from these sources , we can issue insurance securitization products to raise capital for catastrophe compensation fund .

  18. 拓宽补偿基金的渠道是全面建立森林生态效益补偿制度的关键性问题。

    Compensation Fund is to broaden the channels for the full establishment of forest ecological compensation system the key issues .

  19. 通过对责任保险、环境补偿基金的阐述表明它们对海洋资源侵权的有效救济具有现实意义。

    Effective relief of their marine resources infringement liability insurance , the elaboration of environmental compensation fund that has practical significance .

  20. 中央财政森林生态效益补偿基金支持的重点公益林扩大到7亿亩。

    The area of key public forests funded by the central government with the forest ecological conservation fund expanded to46.67 million hectares .

  21. 因此笔者以超级基金制度为基础,提出在我国建立环境侵权救济补偿基金制度的思路与方案。

    So the writer want to establish the Fund of compensation for environmental tort relieve on the basic of the US super-fund .

  22. 《森林法》规定的生态效益补偿基金,奠定了森林生态效益补偿机制的法律基础。

    The compensation funds for ecological benefits of forest provided by the Forest Law has laid a legal foundation for the compensation mechanism .

  23. 完善小企业信贷考核体系。鼓励建立小企业贷款风险补偿基金。

    We will improve the credit assessment system for small enterprises , and encourage the establishment of a loan risk compensation fund for them .

  24. 森林生态效益补偿基金必须专款专用,不得挪作他用。

    The forestry ecological efficiency compensation fund shall be used exclusively for its designated purpose and shall not be used for any other purpose .

  25. 以北京市密云水库水源涵养林为例,探讨了森林地租在公益林生态效益补偿基金中的应用。

    As a case study of Miyun reservoir in Beijing , discussing the forest land rent applies in non-industrial forest ecological benefit compensation fund .

  26. 案件综述:被上诉人要求上诉人缴纳应当支付给州失业补偿基金的差额。

    OVERVIEW : Appellee state sought to collect from appellant corporation a deficiency in the payment of contributions to the state unemployment compensation fund .

  27. 这些人接受来自受害者补偿基金的检查他们的长期损失,就不得不放弃控告英国石油公司的权利。

    Those who accept a check for their long-term losses from the victims'compensation fund will have to give up their right to sue BP PLC .

  28. 他说,他为他所看到的,奥巴马总统施加政治压力,逼迫英国石油公司设立受害者补偿基金一事表示道歉。

    He said he was sorry for what he saw as political pressure by President Obama to force BP to set up a claims fund for victims .

  29. 当前公共财政对生态公益林业的支持力度不够,森林生态效益补偿基金应尽早纳入国家公共财政支付体系。

    The ecological beneficial forestry is absent of the supporting of public finance . Forest ecological beneficial compensation fund should be added to public finance payment system .

  30. 折旧基金属于维持简单再生产的补偿基金,但折旧基金又具有扩大再生产的作用。

    It is well known that depreciated funds belong to the compensating funds for maintaining simple reproduction , but it has contribution to the expansion of reproduction .