
bǔ jí
  • complementary set;supplementary set;complement
补集 [bǔ jí]
  • [complement] 不属于一给定集合的所有元素的集合,该集合包含于含该给定集合的另一特定数学集合中

补集[bǔ jí]
  1. 回路矩阵是一个资源有向图全部资源回路的代数描述,并且它与补集及T-特征向量矩阵相互等价。

    Circle matrix is the algebraic description of all the resource circles in a directed graph , and equivalence reciprocally to that one of complementary set and T-characteristic vector .

  2. 关于内积空间中正交补集的一个注记

    A Note on the Orthogonal Complementary Set in Inner Product Space

  3. Self集的动态更新方法有补集;

    Dynamic update of self set complement exists on it ;

  4. 取其补集,得到G的所有极大独立集。

    On complementation , we obtain the list of all maximal independent sets of G.

  5. 如果T是G的一棵生成树,我们称它的补集T'为一副树。

    In particular , if T is a spanning tree of G , we shall call its complement T ' a cotree .

  6. CFP道集交互速度分析有补集;

    Interactive velocity analysis on CFP gathers . set complement exists on it ;

  7. 在闭环DNA算法中,提出并实现了用删除实验直接构造顶点覆盖补集的构想;

    In the closed circle DNA algorithm , an idea that complementary sets of vertex covering are formed straightway by delete experiment is put forward and realized , which has design of the algorithm inimitable and novel .

  8. 基于这两种算子建立了粗糙集的并、交、补运算,并证明在此定义下的粗糙集补集为Boolean补。

    The operations of union , intersection and complement based on the two operators prove that the complement of the rough set under this definition is Boolean complement .

  9. 不变集的一致完全性有补集;

    Uniformly perfectness of attractors . set complement exists on it ;

  10. 单边多输出逻辑函数补集软件的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Complement Sets Software for Multi-output Unate Logic Functions

  11. 三是集杜诗;有补集;

    Thirdly he collected DU-Fu 's poems ; set complement exists on it ;

  12. 《草叶集》主题论有补集;

    ON THE THEME OF LEAVES OF GRASS set complement exists on it ;

  13. 弱函数代数与函数代数的插补集

    Interpolation Set of Weak Function Algebra and Function Algebra

  14. 赋存金矿主岩的偏集性;有补集;

    The " bias " of gold host-rocks ; set complement exists on it ;

  15. 你可以用补集来匹配不在区间范围内的字元。

    You can match the characters not within a range by complementing the set .

  16. 减压器补集到的压力会再循环,或叫做“猎取”。

    If the trapped pressure bleeds off the unloader will cycle , or hunt .

  17. 设π为一个素数的集合,π′为π的补集。

    Let π be a set of primes and π′ the complementary set of π .

  18. 有补集;

    Set complement exists on it ;

  19. 积项集合的补集算法

    Complementation of a Product Set

  20. 如果我们令这集与它的补集配对,我们得到从原集分成的两个集。

    If we couple it with its complement we obtain a 2 set decomposition of the entire set .

  21. 呵呵,我从这里又学到一个创意的方法做大站的补集。

    Ah , I acquire the method of an originality to make the filling part of big station again from here .

  22. 人们在理解数量词的过程中会潜意识考虑其指称集合及其指称补集,然后推理其所指的对象。

    When quantifiers are comprehended , their reference set and complement set are subconsciously considered , and then their reference is inferred .

  23. 在逻辑综合的领域内,经常使用求给定积项集合补集的过程。

    In the area of logic synthesis , a procedure of derivation of complements for a given product set is frequently used .

  24. 因此通过反数据库,人们便可以推算出它的补集&正数据库的内容。

    By looking at the negative database , it would be possible to deduce what was in the positive database it complemented .

  25. 作者首先对与数据志相关的概念进行了完善和细化,给出了起源集的形式化定义,并提出了补集无关和补集相关的概念。

    First , the concepts about data lineage tracing are completed and refined , and the formal definition of derivation set and supplementary set are provided .

  26. 本工作中提出了补集矩阵的概念,并且理论证明,基本信标是补集矩阵对应的信标空间的一个基。

    The concept of complementary matrix is proposed in this work , and it is proved that elementary siphons are a basis in the siphon space of complementary matrix .

  27. 有补集;在此方案的基础上,确定了三个不同的布索方案,进行静力、整体稳定和动力性能比较,得到了布索圈数对结构静力性能、整体稳定性能和动力性能的影响。

    Set complement exists on it ; According to this project , three projects of different cable form were given to compare the structural static stability , overall stability and dynamical stability .

  28. 在此基础上,作者证明了有关起源集的5个定理,这些定理证明了转换与属性映射、起源集与属性映射、起源集与作用集之间的关系,并证明了几类转换的补集无关性。

    Then this thesis proves five theorems about derivation set , which defined the relationship between transformation and attribute mapping , derivation set and attribute mapping , derivation set and contribution set , and the correlation of supplementary set of transformation .