
jiǎnɡ lì jī jīn
  • Incentive Fund;bonus fund
  1. 除了农业研究所自身的研究工作,美国农业部还赞助生物技术风险评估研究项目,提供竞争性奖励基金。

    In addition to ars 's in-house research , usda funds a competitively awarded grants program for research on biotechnology risk assessment .

  2. 协助合营企业安排和合理使用福利、奖励基金;

    To assist the joint venture in its planning and rational utilization of its welfare and bonus funds ;

  3. 默卡夫人还看望艾伦,让他帮忙推荐一些克里斯喜欢的书。她将为舍尔伯尼捐助一个奖励基金,她想知道,克里斯喜欢什么书:

    Mrs Morcom had also called upon Alan to help choose books for the school prizes that Christopher was posthumously to receive :

  4. 具体措施包括有效管理、设计有针对性的调查表格、不定期进行调查和设立优秀毕业生奖励基金等。

    The specific measures includes : effective management , the design of pertinent investigation form ; investigating irregularly and establishing reward fund for excellent graduate students .

  5. 名为“学校管理支持”的资金广为人知,由一笔额外的教师奖励基金筹集,以鼓励教师在课堂上提高教学成效。

    The financing known as School Management Support ( AGE ), is supplemented by an additional incentive for teachers , so they improve their performance in the classroom .

  6. 这是如何紧随2011年议会会议实行对包括从教育到德克萨斯电影奖励基金等所有项目的巨大预算削减之后发生的?

    How did this happen on the heels of a2011 legislative session that doled out enormous budget cuts to everything from education to the Texas film incentive fund ?

  7. 此外,教师奖励基金的另一个目的是加强教师与学校的联系,因为许多教师来自他乡,并且需要长途跋涉来上课。

    The incentives is also aimed at developing a teachers ' ties to a school , as many teachers live outside the local community and must travel long distances to teach .

  8. 今年在美国职业高尔夫巡回赛上,维杰辛格,这个来自斐济小岛国的选手赢得了三站比赛的冠军和职业高尔夫界内最高的奖励基金。

    This year on the PGA TOUR , Vijay Singh , who hails from the tiny island nation of Fiji , won three tournaments and the largest prize fund in professional golf .

  9. 携程旅行社于10月份推出“中国好游客奖励基金”,旨在奖励那些为他人树立榜样的游客,并在中国游客中推广文明旅游的理念。

    Launched in October by Ctrip , the " Excellent Chinese Tourists Fund " aims to reward tourists who serve as role models for others , and promote the idea of civilized tourism among Chinese travelers .

  10. 有一个方案可以替代目前的制度:由工业化国家资助成立一家医学奖励基金,奖励那些发明穷人所患疾病治疗方法的人,并为研究提供激励,为关键药物颁发更多的奖金。

    There is an alternative : a medical prize fund , financed by industrialised countries , could reward those who discover cures for diseases of the poor , provide incentives for research and award bigger prizes for key drugs .

  11. 为解决瓶颈问题,建议企业首先要建立成果转化风险机制,设立成果转化风险基金,其次要设立应用新技术或新装备的奖励基金。

    To solve the problem of choke points , the author suggests that risk system and risk fund for technical achievements transformation be established , and reward fund for the application of new techniques and new equipment be set up .

  12. 对于获得绩效奖励的基金经理来说,这种情况可能会与“高水位”(highwatermark)的强制施行相搭配,即基金经理在获得当期绩效奖励前,必须先补齐低于目标的业绩。

    For managers rewarded by performance fees the situation is likely to be compounded by the imposition of a " high water mark " that requires managers to make good any performance shortfall relative to targets before the performance fee can resume .

  13. 卡茨研究生院用这笔钱为教职员工和驻企高管指导支付酬金、建立项目提案竞赛(以前没有货币奖励)基金以及其他组织管理开销。

    Katz uses the money to pay faculty and executive-in-residence coaches , to fund a competition for project proposals ( which has no monetary prize ) and for other organizational expenses .

  14. 上述奖励由书院基金会拨款资助,书院谨此鸣谢。

    The College would like to thank the College Endowment Fund Committee in sponsoring this award scheme .

  15. 公司应从税后利润中提取储备金和职工奖励及福利基金。

    The Company shall set aside from its after-tax profits the reserve fund and staff bonus and welfare fund .

  16. 决定合营公司从税后利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金和职工奖励及福利基金的比例;

    Deciding the proportion of allocation for reserve funds , pension funds and bonuses from the taxed profits of joint venture company ;

  17. 论科技奖励与科学基金的互补性中美科技奖励体系的对比研究及启示

    On the Supplement of the System of Encouragement and Reward for Science-Technology And the System of Science Fund Comparative Study of Chinese and American Encouragement for Science and Technology and It 's Revelation

  18. (一)提取储备基金、职工奖励及福利基金、企业发展基金,提取比例由董事会确定。

    Allocations shall be made to the reserve fund , bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers , and venture expansion fund , with the ratio for such allocations to be determined by the board of directors ;