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jiǎng zhuàng
  • certificate of merit;citation;honorary credential;diploma;award;testimonial
奖状 [jiǎng zhuàng]
  • [certificate of merit] 授予获奖单位或个人的奖励证明书

奖状[jiǎng zhuàng]
  1. 她获钢琴演奏优秀奖状。

    She was awarded a certificate of merit for her piano-playing .

  2. 品质优异奖状〔香港工业奖〕

    Certificate of Merit for Quality [ Hong Kong Awards for Industry ]

  3. 她向女学生卡罗琳·塔克颁发了英勇奖状。

    She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker .

  4. 你应该收集所有的奖状、成绩单、简历、甚至是教学思想,然后装订在一起。

    You should collect all your awards , transcripts , resumes , and even teaching ideas and compile them in a large binder .

  5. n.赞扬;奖状他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇敢而受到赞扬。

    commendation He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire .

  6. 此外,大会设置了亚太高血压学会青年医师优秀论文评选活动,优胜者将获得由APSH颁发的奖状与奖金。

    In addition , the convention sets the asian-pacific hypertension learn young physician best paper award activity , the winner will gain from the APSH issue testimonials and bonuses .

  7. 副市长邓群芳为获奖者颁发了奖状。

    Vice Mayor Deng Qunfang delivered the awards to the recipients .

  8. 颁发奖状是市长的工作之一。

    One of the mayor 's jobs is the presentation of prizes .

  9. 得过两枚立功奖章和两次奖状。

    Two meritorious service medals and two letters of commendation .

  10. 学校将颁发奖状一张,以资鼓励。

    Each of them will be awarded with a certificate of accomplishment .

  11. 累积下来的奖状和各方面的证书就有一大堆。

    Accumulates the certificate and various aspects certificate has a big pile .

  12. 而后,休斯和史密斯因英勇行为被授予奖状。

    Hughes and Smith were later given commendations for bravery .

  13. 我的张张奖状,能否给你一点慰藉;

    Whether my certificates could give you some consolation ;

  14. 每个参赛组别以及电台类别的第一名可得奖状一张。

    Certificates will be awarded to leading stations in each category and section .

  15. 原始证书和奖状已破损,应由专业人员制成高质量的复制品。

    If original certificates and awards are worn , have them professionally reproduced .

  16. 然后他们就颁发这些奖状给我。

    They just keep giving me those things .

  17. 那男孩比我所有的专业奖状都重要。

    That boy means more to me than all of my professional awards combined .

  18. 奖状比我袜子还多。

    Got more awards than I got socks .

  19. 行政长官公共服务奖状

    Chief Executives Commendation for Government / Public Service

  20. 是奖状还是镇上通行证

    a commendation ? Key to the City ?

  21. 你是说你会把我的“乡村歌王的奖状”烧掉吗?

    So you 're saying you 'll set my country music award on fire ?

  22. 荣获勋章、奖状18项。

    He has received 18 awards and decorations .

  23. 奖状,是学业优异的表现。

    Certificates of award indicate excellence in studies .

  24. 奖项包括奖状或最高可达15000元的现金奖。

    Award ranges from a certificate of commendation to a cash award of up to15000 .

  25. 取我从前所得的奖状、金牌、金手表来给我。

    Show me my awards , my medals , that gold watch I was given .

  26. 行政长官社区服务奖状

    Chief Executive 's Commendation for Community Service

  27. 三十年优良服务奖状

    30 Years ' Meritorious Service Certificate

  28. 消防处处长最高荣誉奖状

    Director of Fire Services High Commendation

  29. 我在学校表现得不错,而且我得过不少奖状。

    I 've been doing well and I 've received quite a few awards in school .

  30. 中华公所感谢与颁发奖状给在暑假中在公所当义工的学生们。

    CCBA thanked and presented awards to the students who volunteered in CCBA during the summer .