
jiǎnɡ chénɡ zhì dù
  • reward and punishment system;system of rewards and penalties;award and penalty regulation
  1. 另外在质量体系建立的过程中,要注重奖惩制度的建立。

    Also in the process of the establishment of quality system , we should pay attention to reward and punishment system was established .

  2. 本文针对以上问题给出了具体建议:完善我国公务员诚信建设的组织机构、建立公务员诚信信息采集制度、完善公务员诚信档案的管理和建立公务员诚信考核与奖惩制度。

    This thesis gives specific recommendations according to the three issues : making regulatory agencies in integrity-building perfect , building the information collection systems , improve the management of files on civil service integrity and setting up integrity assessment system , reward and punishment system .

  3. 公司设立了严格的奖惩制度。

    A strict system of and penalties was set up in the company .

  4. 孩子喜欢受到奖励,因此奖惩制度是训练孩子行为得体的好方法。

    Children easily identify with rewards , so this is a good way to keep their behavior in check .

  5. 有的同志提出,应当有奖惩制度,这个意见也对。

    Some comrades have proposed a system of rewards and penalties .

  6. 公司的奖惩制度是怎么样的?

    What is the rewards and punishment system in your company ?

  7. 制定有效的考核奖惩制度。

    Establishing an effective system of evaluation , rewards and penalties .

  8. 关于建立企业奖惩制度的探讨

    Probe into the Establishment of the Rewards and Penalties System in Enterprises

  9. 落实内部奖惩制度。

    And ③ the implementation of hospital system of rewards and punishment .

  10. 关于我国罪犯奖惩制度的思考

    On system of Rewards and Penalties of Our Country

  11. 法官的奖惩制度。

    The system of reward and penalties .

  12. 达成既定目标的一个好方法就是给自己制定出奖惩制度。

    Decide on a reward you will give yourself for fulfilling your goals for a month .

  13. 建立考核奖惩制度,将节约校园建设责任制落到实处。

    Establishment of an examination reward system , implement the responsibility system will save the campus building .

  14. 增强党政秘书定力的具体措施,是创造核心人才成长的机制,加强监督,实行严格的奖惩制度,提高反腐败对策。

    To carry out the strict prize and punishment system and to increase the countermeasures against corruption .

  15. 论清末民初中国军事奖惩制度

    On the Rewards and Penalties System of Military during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China

  16. 建立倒查制度、奖惩制度、民用爆炸器材公司跟踪服务制度;坚持深入开展安全检查整治,优化行业管理基础;

    To set up the system of rewards and punishment and the system of providing tracing service for civil explosives companies ;

  17. 宋代历朝政府都实行鼓励植树的政策,保护林木的法律条款趋于完备,并且对于相关的官员有一定的奖惩制度。

    All previous governments implemented policies to encourage planting trees . The forest protection legal provisions were tended to be completed .

  18. 为了保证实效,应有切实可行的检查和奖惩制度。

    If it is to have substantial results , there must be a workable system of inspection , with rewards and penalties .

  19. 考虑到工期风险的传递特性和业主的工期延误奖惩制度,对施工联合体内部成员间的三种风险分担策略分别构建计算实验模型。

    Considering the risk transmission characteristics and the owner ' delay reward system , three-sharing strategies between contractors are constructed to calculate the experimental model .

  20. 作为军事制度的一部分,奖惩制度随军事体制的变化而变化。

    As a part of the army discipline , the system of rewards and penalties changed in accordance with the change of the army system .

  21. 分析了项目成本增大的原因,提出了公路施工企业工程目标成本管理从多种途径降低成本,建立奖惩制度等管理对策。

    The paper analyzed the cause of project cost increase , proposed management countermeasures of highway construction enterprise engineering goal cost management from several aspects .

  22. 央视一内部员工向记者披露:目前,央视在全新改版中,严格实行奖惩制度。

    One inner staff in CCTV revealed to the journalist that , for now , CCTV is changing completely , strictly implementing the reward and penalty system .

  23. 根据奖惩制度处理当事人,并处以一定的经济惩罚。

    Dispose the offender by the Punish regulations inclusive of certain fine . We must have rewards and penalties , and the criteria must be perfectly clear .

  24. 本文提出的报水制度、限水制度以及奖惩制度等建议,对缓解下游断流有重要作用,可供参考。

    As mentioned in the paper , the systems of water using record , water limitation , award and punishment , and others will be the imPOrtant reference .

  25. 职工对自己的工作感到不满意的因素依次为奖金、能力发挥程度、工作量、参加培训机会、工资、奖惩制度、报酬分配等;

    The missionaries ' unsatisfied factors to their job including : prize , exert ability degree , workload , training chance , wage , motivating system and reward distribution .

  26. 笔者建议:第一,完善服刑人员考核奖惩制度;第二,应用恢复性司法理念;第三,完善开放式处遇制度。

    The author suggested : first , perfect rewards and punishment system : Second , the application of the theory of restorative justice , third , perfecting restorative system .

  27. 现在各国一些杰出的将领,所统率的军队都不下二十万,其所以不能功成名就,就在于没有建立明确的奖惩制度。

    Today among the armies led by commanders from the various feudal states , there is not one that does not reach a mass of two hundred thousand men .

  28. 你可以说你是在代表公司做决定,但实际工作中的奖惩制度在具体的经营者做决定时确得不到体现。

    You can say this is what you value as a company , but your compensation system may not really reflect that , especially if you leave compensation decisions to individual managers .

  29. 表面经营非常红火、实际经济效益差强人意是众多酒店的通病,因而加强成本费用控制和实施奖惩制度就成为治病的良方。

    It is very common that a hotel runs very well in appearance but far from satisfaction in fact , for which the author argues that cost control and incentive system may be applied .

  30. 通过借鉴美国尤其是硅谷高科技公司的人事管理战略实践,及人才任用与奖惩制度的成与败,发展适合中国入世后企业人事管理的新战略。

    This program is also designed to help the Chinese organizations learn from the American experience in order to develop a more effective HRM system that suits the new situation after China joined WTO .