
zhù lǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī
  • assistant engineer
  1. 国家天文台助理工程师张馨心表示,FAST这次使用实时探测终端探测到的快速射电暴之前也曾探测到过。

    The FRB detected by FAST 's real-time detection terminal , however , is one that has been observed before , said Zhang Xinxin , an assistant engineer with the NAOC .

  2. 你们是见习工程师还是助理工程师?

    Is you student engineer or assistant engineer ?

  3. 他叔叔是一位助理工程师。

    His uncle is an assistant engineer .

  4. 然后在上海建筑工程公司担任了3年的土木工程助理工程师。

    Then I served Shanghai Construction Engineering Company as an assistant civil engineer for three years .

  5. 张学英是上海本地人,目前供职于一家规模中等的软件开发公司,职位是软件开发助理工程师。

    Donald is a local Shanghainese currently working in a medium sized software development company as assistant software engineer .

  6. 公司本部现拥有职工25人,其中高级工程师2人,工程师4人,助理工程师4人,其余人员均为中等以上学历。

    There are25 staff in Hongyu , 2 Senior Engineers , 4 Engineers , 4 Assistant Engineers , others are professional staff .

  7. 关于高职院校实施名师工程的思考我们有两名高级工程师、九名工程师、几名助理工程师和技术员。

    Personal Consideration on the Implementation of Renowned Teacher Project in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges ; We have two senior engineers , nine engineers , a few assistant engineers and technicians .

  8. 孙晓敏律师,毕业于苏州大学,获得法学学士学位,同时拥有助理工程师职称,并获得徐州市司法局2009年度“徐州市法律援助优秀律师”荣誉证书,知识产权、涉外业务委员会委员。

    Sun Xiaomin , a bachelor of law as well as being an assistant engineer , who was graduated from Suzhou University , was honored Excellent Individual for Legal Aid Service in2009 .

  9. 他于2007年以助理软件工程师的身份加入IBM。

    He joined IBM as an Associate Software Engineer in 2007 .

  10. 将注册助理安全工程师定位于企业日常安全生产管理和技术工作,相当于企业基层或中层安全管理岗位。

    The suggestion is that the CASEs mostly focus on the daily and routine safety management and technical work , similar to the grass root and middle level safety management post in enterprises .

  11. 与助理经理/工程师一起,根据中国职业卫生领域内相关法律法规,为各事业部制定相关监测计划。

    Work with assistant manager / engineer to develop the monitoring plan of each business units per regulations in China industrial hygiene area .