
zé rèn biān jí
  • editor-in-charge;executive editor
  1. 责任编辑的政治责任

    Executive Editor 's Political Duty

  2. 科技期刊的责任编辑是刊物质量的第一把关人,对稿件的选取、审理、加工、整理负全面责任。

    Executive editor is the first person to ensure the quality of science and & technology periodicals , fully responsible for the selection , reading , processing and sorting of contributions .

  3. 浅谈责任编辑的信息素质及培养途径

    Discussion on How to Develop the Information Literacy of Periodical Editors

  4. 高校学报责任编辑初审功能有效性探讨

    On the Functional Effect of Initial Evaluation of Academic Journals Editors

  5. 绿茶,绿茶,这是给我的。责任编辑:译一。

    Green tea , green tea , it is for me .

  6. 论高校学报责任编辑的职责和修养

    The Duty and Responsibility of Editor in charge of Higher Education Journal

  7. 高校学报责任编辑应妥善处理的若干矛盾

    Contradictions confronting responsible editors of university journals to properly resolve

  8. 试论责任编辑的责任和现代意识

    The Duties and Modern Consciousness of the Editor in Charge

  9. 责任编辑是整治学术腐败环节中的关键。

    The responsible editor is the key factor of governing academic corrupt .

  10. 新时代下高校学报责任编辑的素质培养

    Training of Quality University Newsletter Editors in the New Period

  11. 科技期刊责任编辑署名应规范化

    Standardization of signature of responsible editors in sci-tech periodicals

  12. 论责任编辑在专家匿名审稿制中的主导作用

    On the Editor 's Role in the Experts-Anonymously-Reviewing System

  13. 作一位领导,而不仅仅是经理。(责任编辑:李熙)

    Be a leader , not just a manager .

  14. 责任编辑应具有现代意识。

    Editors in charge should have modern consciousness .

  15. 责任编辑的学术道德责任刍议

    On academic moral responsibility of the responsible editor

  16. “我知道我能。”积极的想法是成功的一半。(责任编辑:李熙)

    " I know I can " . Positive thinking is half the work .

  17. 科技期刊责任编辑处理稿件欠妥行为探析

    On responsible editors ' improper behaviors that in the course of dealing with authors ' manuscripts

  18. 他不愿意任何新思想,是个地道的“死脑筋”。(责任编辑:李熙)

    He is not willing to take in any new ideas . A ROM brain indeed .

  19. 责任编辑的责任有多大

    Responsibility of responsible editors

  20. 他总是给你买很贵的衣服,我担心不安好心的礼物。(责任编辑:李熙)

    He is always buying you expensive clothes , I 'm afraid they are Greek gifts for you .

  21. 责任编辑心理问题发生率高于一般编辑,差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    And that of responsible editors was significantly higher than that of common ones ( P < 0.05 );

  22. 学报责任编辑这一编辑职位有两个属性:一是权力,二是责任,责任是其本质属性。

    Editing in charge has two attributions & power and responsibility , the latter being more basic than the former .

  23. 增强责任编辑的学术道德责任是当前把持学术阵地纯洁性的重要环节。

    Strengthening the responsible editor 's academic moral responsibility is an important factor to keep the purity of academic territory .

  24. 珍妮把她的黄金周豆腐帐给贴出来了,她买的那些东西你简直都想象不到。(责任编辑:李熙)

    Jenny posted her tofu ledger for the Labor Day holiday , you just cannot imagine what she has bought .

  25. 从责任编辑的内涵出发,分析了责任编辑的角色定位,探讨了责任编辑的社会责任和经济责任。

    From the connotation of responsible editors , the role location , social and economic responsibility of responsible editors are analyzed .

  26. 结论科技期刊编辑存在一定的心理问题,尤其是责任编辑心理问题较突出,应引起相关部门和领导的重视。

    ConclusionEditors of science and technology periodicals have certain psychological problems , especially responsible editors , which should be paid attention to .

  27. 敏感性的培养、孕育与保持,是责任编辑长期工作实践中的一项重要任务。

    The fostering , gestation and maintenance of sensitivity are a crucial task of editors in charge in their long work practice .

  28. 我讨厌把事情搅乱,但是你不认为我们应该找安迪帮忙吗?(责任编辑:李熙)

    I hate to throw a monkey wrench in the works , but don 't you think we should ask Andy to help .

  29. 在使用之前先把肥皂晾干?许多节俭的人发誓说这会使肥皂变硬且使用时间更长,而不会影响产生肥皂泡。(责任编辑:李熙)

    Air your bar of soap before using it ? Many frugalistas swear this will allow it to harden and last longer , without affecting the lather .

  30. 我出过十几本书,打过交道的责任编辑很多,像这样认真干练的,还不多见。

    I have been Created and published more than a dozen books , Understanding a lot of responsibility for editing , like seriously capable , but also rare .