
zé rèn nèi ɡé zhì
  • duty cabinet;responsibility cabinet
  1. 在政府组织方面,实行责任内阁制;

    Implementing the cabinet system of responsibility in government organization ;

  2. 但是,美国实行总统制,英国等西方国家实行责任内阁制。

    But America 's is presidential system while Britain 's is cabinet system .

  3. 其主要内容有:主张建立责任内阁制,实现对国家和人民负责的责任政府;

    The main ideas are setting up consul of ministers , realizing a responsible government for the state and its people ;

  4. 责任内阁制系指享有主权的国民通过行使政治决断权产生出的代议制的政权组织形式。

    The responsible cabinet system means the political organization form that the people who enjoy the sovereignty exercise their political discretion to build a representative government .

  5. 其次,具体的制度建设是建立责任内阁制,组织政党,召开国会。

    Second , the specific construction of the system is to establish the responsibility of the cabinet system , the organization of political parties convene Congress .

  6. 只有到汉诺威王朝时期,当王权急剧衰落、议会主权地位确立后,早期的内阁制才完成了向责任内阁制的转变。

    It only in Hanover Dynasty when the royal power declined rapidly and the sovereignty of the Parliament was consolidated that the earlier cabinet had transformed to responsible cabinet .