
  • 网络Responsibility objectives;responsibility goals
  1. 在一次晚宴上,一家蓝筹公司的董事长的妻子曾斥责我,她的丈夫一直致力于实现严格的社会责任目标,却不能公布自己取得的进展,就是因为担心记者会穷追不舍,试图找出一件违背道德伦理的事情。

    The wife of one blue-chip chairman once berated me at a dinner because her husband could not declare progress in his quest to meet strict social responsibility goals , for fear journalists would hunt down an ethical breach .

  2. 然后再确定事业部的精细化管理的模式,提出一个责任目标、两条主线、三项改革、四项保障和五个到位的管理模式。

    And then determine the mode of meticulous management of the division . Determine that " a responsibility goals " . " the two main lines "," three reforms " . " four security " and " five in place " management model .

  3. 企业社会责任目标及实现路径

    On the goal of corporate social responsibility and approach to achieve it

  4. 地表水出境断面责任目标与财政挂钩的实践

    Practice of Connecting Surface Water Section Duty Target to Finance

  5. 浅谈农业发展银行责任目标管理

    Discussion on liability norm of Agricultural Development Bank

  6. 这里有一些IT必须满足新的责任目标的核心需求域。

    Here are some core requirement areas where IT must meet new accountability goals .

  7. 为此,要强化审计的独立性,现行的受托经济责任目标要涵盖真实性、合法性和效益性。

    To enhance the independence of audit , the present audit objectives of agency economic responsibility should incorporate factuality , legitimacy and efficiency .

  8. 然而,现行内部控制理论与实践偏重于对企业价值目标实现的控制,忽视了对社会责任目标的控制。

    However , the current internal control theory and practice just emphasis on how to achieve corporate value target , but ignore the control of social responsibility goal .

  9. 提出了利益相关者视角下资源型企业社会责任目标模式,为资源型企业履行社会责任提供了可供参考的标准。

    The objective mode of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders are proposed , which providing referencing standards for performing social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises .

  10. 从各国的学理及立法来看,大多主张社会责任目标从属于营利性目标,或者两者并重。

    From the national theoretical and legislative point of view , to subordinate the goals of social responsibility advocates are mostly profit-making goals , or a combination of equal importance .

  11. 本文首先讨论财务报告的目标,提出财务报告目标包含资源配置决策有用性目标和受托责任目标。

    To reach this goal , the objectives of financial reporting are first examined and it is proposed that the objectives of financial reporting consist of two independent ones , namely recourse allocation decision usefulness objective and stewardship objective .

  12. 现代企业全面预算管理实施的前提是预算组织系统的构建;而全面预算管理实施成功与否的首要因素是预算目标的合理确定及责任目标的分解;

    The premise for implementing management of overall budget is the construction of budget organization system and the key factor that affects whether the management of overall budget would success or not is determining the budget target reasonably and resolving the duty target .

  13. 最后对企业强化能源管理的措施从组织建设体系支撑、节能改造体系支撑、责任目标考核体系支撑和能效对标体系支撑四个支撑点进行阐述,最终实现更为科学的能源管理。

    Finally on enterprise to reinforce energy management measures from the organization construction system support , and energy saving transformation system support , responsibility target assessment system support and efficiency of standard system supporting four point is expounded , finally realizes the more scientific energy management .

  14. 作为我国政治经济制度重要组成部分的审计,也要以WTO规则的相关要求作出及时调整,包括调整财政审计目标、金融审计目标、企业审计目标、社会保障基金审计目标和经济责任审计目标。

    Auditing , an important part of China 's political and economic system , has to make adjustment according to the relevant demands of WTO regulations .

  15. 履行责任是目标,实现效益是手段。

    Obligation is the goal , the means to achieve performance .

  16. 没有与环保标准相关的责任,目标和宗旨。

    No formal accountability , goals or objectives relating to environmental performance .

  17. 以社会责任为目标引领我国医疗服务机构改革

    Regarding Social Responsibility as a Goal to Lead the Reform of Medical Institutions

  18. 学校道德责任教育目标的定位;

    Goal establishment in school moral responsibility education ;

  19. 对社会负责任的目标可以以个人的方式实现,也可以通过直接的政府行为。

    The way to achieve socially responsible goals was through personal or direct government action .

  20. 该部分首先在分析2003年中学德育学科新课程标准对责任教育目标和内容标准的改进与欠缺的基础上提出调整意见;

    Basing on the merits and shortcomings of New Moral Education Curriculum Guide 2003 , we suggest to adjust the Guide .

  21. 一般地说,财务报告应以决策有用性兼顾受托责任为目标,提供相关、可靠、可比的经济信息。

    Generally speaking , financial report should be aimed at ' decision usefulness ' , and provide relevant , reliable and comparable information .

  22. 他指出,一家公司的任务就是为股东赚取利润,并非追求对社会负责任的目标。

    The job of a company , he said , was to make profits for its shareholders , not to pursue socially responsible goals .

  23. 加强安全监督管理,保障客运索道安全运营一直是各级政府和索道运营企业坚持不懈的责任和目标。

    Strengthen safety supervision and management , keeping safe operation is the unremitting responsibility and goal of governments at all levels and ropeway operation enterprises .

  24. 会计目标主要是受托责任制目标和决策有用性目标,企业要根据信息使用者的需要来选择合适的计量属性。

    Accounting goal mainly is entrusted with the responsibility goals and decision useful goals , according to the needs of enterprise management to choose appropriate measurement attribute .

  25. 即使其他人正全神贯注于他们的责任或目标时,你也有本领发现大量存在笑声、创造力和欢乐的地方。

    While others may be preoccupied with their responsibilities or goals , you have a knack for discovering enjoyable places where laughter , creativity , and happiness abound .

  26. 由此三个基本条件,定义人力资本质量的8个变量类型:态度、责任、目标、计划、沟通、危机、思考、改善。

    Under the 3 conditions there are 8 quality variances defined further . They are : attitude , responsibility , target planning , communication , risk prevention , thinking way , improvement .

  27. 具体经济环境特征的不同,决定了财务会计目标的不同:受托责任会计目标与资本市场不发达的商品经济环境相吻合;

    The characteristics of the specific economic environment decide the goals of financial accounting . The goals of trustee responsibility accounting tallies with the commodity economy environment characterized by an undeveloped capital market .

  28. 本文首先将负责任大国目标纳入新中国对外身份目标的探讨,指出以前中国的外交追求缺少亚洲身份内涵;

    This article analyzes the objective of being a responsible power according to China 's diplomatic identity , pointing out that the diplomatic objective of China in the past neglected its identity as an Asian country .

  29. 在学校教育中,应确立明确的责任教育目标,在学科教育中培养青少年的责任意识,发挥课堂教学的主渠道作用;引导青少年投身社会实践,在承担具体责任中树立真正的责任意识;

    In school education , we should establish clear responsibility educational objective , train teenagers ' responsibility consciousness in discipline education , fulfill the classroom role of instruction , lead teenagers to join in social work , and help them establish correct responsibility consciousness .

  30. 目标责任和责任目标管理

    Object Responsibility and its Management