
  1. 企业人力资源开发中人本管理思想的运用

    Application of Human-oriented Management Thought in Human Resource Development for Enterprise

  2. 德鲁克人本管理思想对图书馆工作的启示

    Inspiration of the Drucker 's Human-oriented Management Ideology to Library Work

  3. 基于人本管理思想构建和谐校园

    Based on the Humanism Management Concept to Build Harmonious Campus

  4. 论教师聘任制与人本管理思想的结合

    The combination of teacher recruitment and appointment system and human-oriented management theories

  5. 人本管理思想在现代医院护理管理中的应用

    Application of humanistic management to nursing administration in modern hospitals

  6. 人本管理思想与高校人事管理理念的更新

    Human original management idea and the renewal of universities ' personnel management idea

  7. 论人本管理思想在图书馆管理和服务中的应用

    The Application of Human-oriented Management Thought in Library Management

  8. 主要从人本管理思想和建立学习型组织方面进行教育管理创新。

    We will innovate in thought of human management and build leaning organization .

  9. 老子人本管理思想及其现代意义

    Lao-zis Humanism Management Thoughts and Its Modern Value

  10. 人力资本产权、人本管理思想与人本主义财务学

    Property Rights of Human Capital 、 Thoughts of Human Based Management and Human Based Finance

  11. 古典管理中的人本管理思想

    Humanism Management Thought in Classic Management

  12. 人本管理思想日益在企业管理实践中发挥这不可替代的作用。

    The management idea plays the more and more irreplaceable role in the business management practice .

  13. 以人本管理思想指导我国税收征管

    Tax Collection Guided by Humanistic Management

  14. 泰罗创立的科学管理理论是20世纪初形成于西方的古典管理理论之一,但其是否隐含着人本管理思想?

    Taylor 's scientific management theory is one of the classical management theories in the early 20th century .

  15. 虽然以人为本的人本管理思想成为时代共识,但是,实现这一思想依然长路漫漫。

    Though the human-oriented ideology has become the common knowledge of the era , it still takes time to practice it .

  16. 以企业精神文化为核心的企业文化建设,属于企业人本管理思想体系中的最新管理模式。

    The enterprise culture , which takes the spiritual culture as core , belongs to updated managerial pattern in human-centered managerial system .

  17. 摘要探讨人本管理思想在高校人事管理中的应用是高校人事管理实践的客观要求。

    Probing into the application of human original management idea in university personnel management is the objective requirement of personnel management practice .

  18. 中西管理思想的解读与比照中西人本管理思想渊源比较研究

    Understanding and Comparison of Chinese and Western Management Thoughts Comparative Study on the Origin of Humanistic Management Idea between China and Western Countries

  19. 高校在体育教师管理实践中应贯彻人本管理思想,确立以人为本的管理理念;

    By implementing the idea of human-based management in terms of the management of PE teachers , universities must establish the idea of human-based management ;

  20. 而我国儒家学者们早在2000多年前就提出了系统的人本管理思想。

    As early as two thousand years ago , scholars of the Confucian school put forward the systematic management notion of man being the basis .

  21. 本文首先阐述了人本管理思想的演变过程,介绍了中西方人本管理思想的主要特点。

    This thesis firstly explains the evolution process of the people-oriented management thought , introducing the traits of the west and China people-oriented management thought .

  22. 这种思想流传到西方得以发展,形成了整合东西方思想的新的人本管理思想,这可朔源到行为科学理论。

    This thought the western development , formed the thought of integrated eastern new humanistic management ideas , this new source to action science theory .

  23. 为使高校管理科学化、柔性化、人性化,用以人本管理思想指导管理工作,在管理中应开发人力资源,激发创造活力,提高管理能力,形成整体合力。

    Human resources are expected to be fully developed in higher education management so as to have the creativity inspired , and ultimately elevate the management capability .

  24. 这本身既是管理思想的重大更新与突破,又赋予了人本管理思想以新的时代精神和中国优秀传统文化精神。

    It not only renovates greatly the theory of management but also endows human-centered management with new spirit of the times and the excellent traditional culture spirits of China .

  25. 在劳务管理方面,借助人本管理思想,优化管理方式和方法,重新塑造了项目管理者与施工工人之间的关系。

    With people management ideas , ways and means to optimize the management in the respect of labor management , re-shaping the relationship between the project managers and construction workers .

  26. 老子的人本管理思想是世界的,也是中国的,对于我国社会组织实施人本化管理具有多方面的启示意义。

    Lao-zi 's humanism management thoughts belong to the world as well as China , which provide enlightening value for the social organizations of our country to carry out humanistic management .

  27. 人本管理思想是人类文明的历史成果,最早可以追溯到我国的春秋战国时期。

    The ideology of Humanism management which is the achievements of human civilization the earliest can be tracked back to the early " Spring and Autumn Period " thousands years ago .

  28. 针对第二个原因,本文提出以以人为本的人本管理思想来加强项目成本控制执行力的建议。

    For the second reason , this paper has proposed a suggestion that we make use of " people-oriented " humanistic management to enhance the executive ability of project cost control .

  29. 动态薪酬体系是在战略管理和人本管理思想的指导下建立的,使动态薪酬体系既适应企业的战略需要,又能满足员工需求不断变化的需要,实现员工与企业的双赢。

    Thus dynamic salary system just comes in time to meet the strategic needs of enterprises and the constantly changing needs of staff , therefore , to achieve the win-win goal .

  30. 深入理解人本管理思想并进行以人为本的护理管理,将有助于提高护理人员的主观能动性、护理管理的效能、护理工作的质量及患者的满意度。

    Lucubrating and practicing the idea of humanistic management will contribute to improvement of nurses ' subjective initiative , efficiency of nursing administration , quality of nursing practice and satisfaction degree of clients .