
děnɡ jí lǐ lùn
  • hierarchy theory
  1. 等级理论则认为,在所有肿瘤细胞中只有极其少量的细胞可以分裂形成新的肿瘤。

    Hierarchy theory deems that only an exceeding small amount cell can be differentiated and form a new tumor .

  2. 分析探讨了尺度与等级理论、格局的关系,及尺度识别、尺度转换的方法和发展趋势。

    Next it discussed the relations between scales and hierarchy theory , as well as scale and pattern . In addition , it also discussed the methods and the developing trend of identifying scales and scaling .

  3. 解决这个问题有助于我们确定有关星系形成的‘等级理论模型’在多大程度上仍然正确。

    Answering this question will help us determine to what degree the Hierarchical Model of galaxy formation still holds true .

  4. 森林经营管理应以生态学的等级理论与尺度理论为基础,进行多层次的经营管理。

    Forest management should be based on hierarchy and scale theories of ecology , in order to conduct multi-level management .

  5. 关于星系的形成,所谓的“等级理论模型”中说:随着时间的推移,星系应该通过吸收星系中的零星物质来慢慢地扩大恒星的数目,而不是猛然间大规模地诞生。

    In the so-called Hierarchical Model of galaxy formation , galaxies are supposed to slowly bulk up their stars over time by absorbing tiny pieces of galaxies , rather than in one big burst .

  6. 就等级理论与尺度效应、渗透理论和源汇系统理论、格局过程关系理论以及景观安全格局理论在土壤侵蚀学中的应用进行了探讨,证实了景观生态学原理在土壤侵蚀学中应用的可行性。

    The application of some of them in soil erosion science is discussed , including hierarchy theory and scale effect , percolation theory and source and pool system theory , pattern process system and landscape security patterns theory .

  7. 本文从生态学尺度概念和等级理论出发,分析了不同尺度水平上害虫研究的方法、内容、关键问题及研究成果对害虫防治的意义。

    Based on the concept of scale and hierarchy theory , the authors analyzed the methodologies , contents and key problems to be specially solved in insect pests research on different levels of scale , and the implications of research results on pest control .

  8. 凯尔森的法律规范等级理论认为,法律规范具有严格的等级性,上级规范是下级规范合法性的前提,下级规范不能违反上级规范。

    In the theory of hierarchy of law created by Hans Kelsen , he consider that law has strict hierarchy , and the higher law is the precondition of the legality of the lower law , and the lower law cannot violate the high law .

  9. 第三章市域绿地系统规划点线面结合相关理论部分,论述了等级理论、景观生态学等相关理论和用于指导市域绿地系统规划的理论和分析方法;

    Chapter III of city-wide green space system planning points of the relevant liness to cover part of the theory , discussed grading theory , landscape ecology and other related guidance for the city-wide green theory and the theory of system planning and analysis methods ;

  10. 利用等级相关理论中Spearman等级相关系数和灰色关联度,提出了评审工作中专家权数的确定方法。

    An approach for determining weight of specialists opinion in rewards judgement is put forward by use of the theory of rank correlation coefficient of spearman and grey system correlation degree .

  11. 运用等级组织理论提高高校科研管理效率问题初探

    Raising scientific research management efficiency in universities by using hierarchy theory

  12. 等级融资理论的修正及其局限

    Revision of Rating Financing Theory and Its Restriction

  13. 在那儿,我重新认识了亚伯拉罕.马斯洛的人类需求等级的理论。

    That 's where I got reacquainted with Abraham Maslow 's " hierarchy of needs . "

  14. 修正了等级融资理论,认为等级融资理论在我国的应用存在一定的局限性。

    Rating Financing Theory is being revised , and its Restriction of applying is being put forwards in China .

  15. 城市等级体系理论在中国的区域经济发展中运用较多,也较普遍。

    The theory of urbanization level is used more and common in analyzing region 's economic development in China .

  16. 等级融资理论研究了企业的融资方式选择问题,对我国公司的融资方式选择有着现实的指导意义。

    Rating Financing Theory is not only researched on the choice of financing ways , but also has direction meaning for the practical financing ways .

  17. 论述了区域森林景观生态功能区划应以空间异质性理论、等级系统理论、森林可持续经营理论、森林分类经营理论及复合生态系统理论为依据;

    The theories of spatial heterogeneity , hierarchy system , sustainable management and classified management of forest and multi-ecosystem for ecological function division of regional forest landscape are stated in the paper .

  18. 基于系统等级结构理论和结构熵理论,从企业组织内部活动方式和信息流动的状态出发,提出反映管理结构复杂程度的层熵向量和熵空间概念;

    Based on the hierarchy theory and the structure entropy theory , considering the state of organization structure and information flow within the structure , the paper puts forth the concepts of layer entropy vector and entropy space .

  19. 本文提出海岸带环境系统的概念模型,分析了海岸带环境系统动态变化的驱动因素,论述了自然控制和等级调控理论、全球变化和区域调控理论是海岸带环境系统调控的理论基础。

    The conceptual model of coastal environmental system was put forward , the driving factors that affect on the dynamic change of coastal environmental system were analyzed , the theory to control the coastal environmental system towards sustainable development was discussed .

  20. 在一个阶层系统中,它所包括的等级数目从理论上看是无限的。

    Theoretically there is no limit to the number of levels contained in a hierarchy .

  21. 建立城市体系等级层次的理论和方法&以河南省城市体系为例

    Theory and Method of Establishing the Hierarchy Rank of an Urban System-A Case Study of Henan Urban System

  22. 在风险管理问题上,引入了IT项目风险等级划分矩阵理论;

    On the risk management , the theory of " Matrix of Risk Level of IT project " is introduced ;

  23. 在对民航定价的国内外研究现状进行综述的基础上,从经济学角度介绍差别定价的基本理论,阐述民航客运的多等级差别定价理论和动态差别定价理论;

    The thesis summarizes the basic theories of price discrimination , expatiated on the multi-class differential pricing method and dynamic differential pricing theory ;

  24. 伊斯特林的调查结果向心理理学家亚伯拉罕。马斯洛的“需要等级体系”理论提出了挑战,该理论为人类未来的动机提供了可靠指南。

    Easterlin 's findings , challenge psychologist Abraham maslow 's " hierarchy of wants " as a reliable guide to future human motivation .

  25. 本文分析的是期望效用理论和等级依赖效用理论下的零效用保费。

    The paper is devoted to the zero utility premium under the classical expected utility theory and the rank-dependent expected u ˉ tility theory .

  26. 基于目前流行的冷暗物质等级成团理论的星系形成的半解析模型取得了很大进展。

    Based on the current popular hierarchical clustering model of Cold Dark Matter ( CDM ), The Semi-Anlytical Model ( SAM ) of galaxy formation have made impressive progress .

  27. 解构主义与女性主义在颠覆西方传统思想与现存的等级秩序的理论和实践过程中找到了共同语言。

    Deconstructionism and feminism have much in common in the process as well as in the language of subverting the Western traditional thoughts and the existent hierarchical theory and practice .

  28. 第三部分岗位风险控制的理论基础。介绍风险控制的理论渊源、岗位风险等级划分的理论基础和确定因素、岗位风险控制的手段。

    Part Three is Theoretical Basis for Position Risk Control , which mainly introduces the theoretical origin of risk control , the theoretical basis and identification factors of position risk status classification , and the means of risk control .

  29. 故本文系统研究公路洪涝次生地质灾害风险评价,并据此划分公路安全等级,通过理论研究指导实际应用,为交通线路防灾减灾工作提供参考性意见。

    Therefore , by studying the risk assessment of highway flood secondary geological disasters , and accordingly dividing the highway safety level , this paper provides the referential suggestions for disaster prevention and reduction of transport routes with the theoretical guidance .

  30. 文章具体比较了标准的框架结构,英语语言能力的定义,英语学习者的行为目标的描述,英语语言能力等级设定的理论依据以及体现的课程理念。

    The comparative study is carried out in the framework of curriculum standards , English competence level standards including the definition of English competence , description of cognitive objectives of English learners and the guiding principle behind the level standards , and curriculum rationale .