
děng fēn
  • Bisection;equally divide;halve;divide from the middle
等分 [děng fēn]
  • [equally divide] 等量划分

等分[děng fēn]
  1. 基于二等分放大的故障判别神经网络

    Neural Network of Fault Distinguishing Based on Halve Amplification

  2. 介绍了一种基于二等分取样,并将预处理数据放大的故障判别神经网络。

    An artificial neural network for fault distinguishing by sampling halve is presented , and the pretreatment data are amplified .

  3. 四分位点资料分成四等分。

    Quartiles divide the data into four equal parts .

  4. 主要用于塑料膜、玻璃纸、纸张、铝箔等分切Equippedwithphotoeledtrictracking。

    The machine can be complied in spliting cutting of plastic film .

  5. 这些直线被x轴和t轴所等分。

    These lines are bisected by x-and t-axes .

  6. 数据复制技术是数据网格中一个重要的组成部分,被广泛应用于分布式数据库、移动数据库和Internet等分布式环境之中。

    It has been widely applied in the areas of distributed database , mobile database , Internet and other distributed environments .

  7. 资源管理是网格、P2P等分布式计算等领域的一个重要研究课题之一。

    Resource management plays a very important role in a grid or P2P computing environment .

  8. 给出三种可靠性分配方法,即等分配法、AGREE法、最小努力分配法。

    Three methods of reliability distribution , i.e. Agreement method , AGREE method , Exertion minimum are given .

  9. Bézier曲线的等分作图算法是一种简便、计算量小的算法;

    Bisectrix plotting algorithm of B é zier curves is a easy and low-calculation algorithm ;

  10. 方法:40只大鼠随机等分为直流电针穴位刺激组(A组)和对照组(B组)。

    Methods : A total of 40 rats were divided into electroacupuncture stimulation group ( group A ) and control group ( group B ) .

  11. 随机等分组合条件下轮流对抗的Markov链模型

    The Markov Chains Model of Firing Antagonism by Turn in the Manner of Even Combination at Random

  12. 用不同的N值对不同距离处公路宽度进行水平等分并且在车辆目标位置形成区域采样网格。

    The road width is divided by different N value according to the road distortion in images at different distance and the sub-sampling grid formed .

  13. 形成支持网络化设计、制造的Web运行平台,建立产品、图形和技术资源等分布式数据库。

    It can be managed in meshwork Web for design and manufacture of gear drive elements . It set up distributed data storages for products , figure and technology resource .

  14. 然后,在深入研究CIS相关标准以及公共对象请求代理结构(CommonObjectRequestBrokerArchitecture,CORBA)等分布式组件技术的基础上,开发了基于CORBA的异构EMS软总线。

    Secondly , based on CIS and distributed component technology such as Common Object Request Broker Architecture ( CORBA ), soft-bus for heterogeneous EMS is developed .

  15. 将OD表等分为m份后,算法分为两个阶段。

    After being divided the OD table into m same parts , the algorithm includes two steps .

  16. 通过对CORBA、COM+、J2EE、WEBService等分布式框架中的技术及应用性能进行较为系统的研究和比较,结合企业的需求,采用CORBA作为企业ERP的技术平台。

    Combining with the enterprise demand , the application performances and technologies of CORBA with those of COM + , J2EE , Web Service , etc are compared .

  17. 业务运营支撑系统(简称为BOSS)分为计费、结算、营业、帐务和客户服务等分系统,各分系统间通过一定的接口相互通信,以完成对整体业务的支撑作用。

    Business operation support system ( BOSS ) of mobile communication business is divided into subsystems including billing , business , accounting , customer service and so on .

  18. 论文对高级加密标准AES等分组算法的分析方法进行了研究。

    This dissertation investigates the techniques for cryptanalysis of block ciphers , with emphasis on Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) .

  19. 但是对于Ad-hoc网络,Peer-to-Peer网络等分布式系统,由于不存在集中专用的服务器,传统的信任模型无法被采用。

    Traditional trust model is invalid in some new distributed system , such as Ad-hoc network and Peer-to-Peer network .

  20. 结论吗啡、布比卡因和地塞米松配伍硬膜外应用可获得良好和持久的术后镇痛效果。术后病人随机等分两组:P组术后采用相应间隙硬膜外留管进行自控镇痛术(PCEA);

    Conclusion The combination of bupivacaine , morphine and dexasine may produce a longer postoperative analgesic duration . P group received bupivacaine and morphine by PCEA ;

  21. 由于电路二等分问题在超大规模集成电路(VLSI)设计中的基础地位,电路二等分半定松驰问题一直引人关注。

    Fundamental in VLSI layout , the semidefinite relaxation for circuit bisection ( CB ) has been paid attention for a long time .

  22. 面向服务是在面向对象基础上发展起来的更高层次的技术,主要解决CORBA、COM+、RMI等分布式对象之间的互通;

    Service-Oriented is the high level of object-oriented for the communication of CORBA . COM + , RMI and other distributed technologies .

  23. 信任机制作为网络服务的传统安全解决方法的有效替代者,已经有效地解决了网格计算、普适计算和adhoc网络等分布式计算的服务安全问题。

    Trust mechanism as traditional security network services effective alternative solution has been effectively solved the Grid Computing . Pervasive Computing , Ad hoc and other distributed computing security issues .

  24. 54只大鼠随机等分为假损伤组(A组)、治疗对照组(B组)及NSCs移植组(C组)。

    A total of 54 rats were randomly divided into 3 groups : sham injury group ( A ), treatment control group ( B ), and NSCs transplantation group ( C ) .

  25. 二是没有将油管全长等分为二进行计算,300m一个步长,从井口依次算到管鞋;

    The second was calculation integrally from the wellhead to the casing shoe with 300 meters as a step ;

  26. 然后利用M个独立的混沌变量在这NM个等分区域中搜索最优解,从而将混沌搜索算法推广应用于解决一类0-1整数规划问题。

    Thus , chaotic searching algorithm is generalized to solving a kind of 0-1 integer programming problem . Chaotic searching algorithm is applied to optimize effectiveness in absence of air defenses .

  27. 方法:wistar大鼠等分为地塞米松治疗组与生理盐水对照组。

    Methods : Wistar rats were divided into two groups ( treatment and control groups ), island skin flaps model with ischemia - reperfusion was made .

  28. 方法择期LC手术的患者80例,随机等分成静吸复合麻醉组(静吸组)40例和全凭静脉麻醉组(静脉组)40例。

    Methods Eighty cases of LC were at random allocated into two groups : the combined intravenous and inhalation anesthesia ( CIIA ) group and the TIVA group .

  29. 在Oracle分布式数据库开发过程中,利用了数据库链路、快照、视图、同义词等分布式数据库技术来实现分布式数据库系统的透明性;

    In the development of Oracle Distributed Database System , make the use of snapshots database link view and synonym distributed database technique to realize the transparency of this system .

  30. 采用DCOM、CORBA等分布式技术的系统可以一定程度上解决各企业间的信息交互,但仍存在一些问题。

    Though electronic business system based on DCOM , CORBA and so on can partly solve the problems on interaction of information among enterprises , some problems remain .