
  • 网络Managing the World;Running the World
  1. HR管理世界为人力资源经理提供资讯,并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广服务。

    We provide professional and abundant information for HR managers and complete marketing promotion for the service suppliers .

  2. HR管理世界是由HR管理世界内部各领域及服务部门的专家、第三方专家团组成的评审委员会在候选人中慎重挑选出来的。

    MVP are selected by the Board of Review , which is composed of HRoot , experts of HR industry , and the3rd experts team .

  3. 劳合社的技师们为其市场上的42家保险中介创设了一项服务,他们可以通过Google上最受欢迎的GoogleEarth地图服务来确保他们能更好地管理世界各地的风险。

    Technicians at Lloyd 's have created a service that the market's42 managing agents can use with Google 's popular mapping service to ensure they are better prepared to manage the world 's risks .

  4. 后现代也影响了整个管理世界的理论和方法。

    It also affects the theory and method in the whole management field .

  5. 威尔逊看重道德,认为美国的特殊历史造就了美利坚民族独特的民族性格,美国是世界道德的典范,是楷模,是上帝选中的管理世界的选民。

    Wilson stressed morality and considered that the unique US history built the unique character of the America nation .

  6. 吩咐他以圣德和正义,管理世界,以正直的心,施行权力。

    That he should order the world according to equity and justice , and execute justice with an upright heart .

  7. 如果孩子管理世界的话,他们大多数想禁止刀和枪以及有更多的假日。

    If children ran the world they would most want to ban knives and guns and have more school holidays .

  8. 如果它们做不到这点,美国无力凭一己之力管理世界的事实就会变得愈发明显,各种各样的全球安全危机就会加剧。

    If they fail , the inability of the US to police the world alone will become increasingly apparent , and the various global security crises will intensify .

  9. 所有阴谋论中最令人发指的大概是:世界强国的领导人会聚到一起闭门讨论如何管理世界。

    The idea of world power players gathering together behind closed doors to discuss how to run the world is perhaps considered the most outrageous of all conspiracy theories .

  10. 这场辩论的核心是如何管理世界上现存的自然生态系统,如何以及多大程度上恢复其它栖息地。

    At its core , the debate is about how to manage the world 's remaining natural ecosystems and about how , and how much , to restore other habitats .

  11. 为美国帮助管理世界上最重要的双边关系之一、处理与国家利益息息相关的重大事宜,这是一个巨大的、有回报的挑战。

    Helping manage one of the most vitally important bilateral relationships for the United States , with so many critical American interests at stake , has been an immense and rewarding challenge .

  12. 柏林中央暨州立图书馆的发展历史与服务管理世界级城市图书馆系列研究之四高校图书馆信息服务社会化刍议以广州大学图书馆驻市政务服务中心资讯厅服务为例

    Berlin Central and Regional Library International Metropolitan Library Study ( Part ⅳ) A Research on the Socialization of Information Service of Academic Library A Case Study : Guangzhou University Library , the Information Hall of Guangzhou Government Affairs Center

  13. AIG出售该部门是为了筹措资金,偿还数十亿美元的政府援助。该部门管理着世界各地约850亿美元资产。

    AIG is selling the asset management business , which has some $ 85bn in assets around the world , to raise capital to repay billions of dollars in government aid .

  14. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSN)作为普适计算的一个实际延伸,将大量传感器等微型化计算设备自组织地联接在一起,以满足人们对探索、利用和管理物理世界的需求。

    Wireless sensor networks ( WSN ), as a practical extension of pervasive computing technology , join a large number of small computing devices ( such as sensors ) to meet the requirements of the people to explore , utilize and management of the physical world .

  15. 在距离美国大部分高校的提前申请截止日期还剩几天之际,管理全世界的学术能力评估测试(ScholasticAssessmentTest,简称SAT)的公司,决定暂缓公布数千名中国和韩国学生的成绩。

    Responding to cheating allegations , the company that administers the SAT tests around the world is withholding scores , at least temporarily , for thousands of Chinese and South Korean students just days before the early application deadlines for most American colleges and universities .

  16. 渔船进出港管理是世界性难题。

    Fishing-vessels port management is a puzzle over the world .

  17. 深化全面质量管理创世界名牌

    Deepen TQM to Create a World Famous Brand

  18. 对此该负责的大概应是那些管理这个世界的成年人吧。

    The people responsible are , presumably , the adults who have been running thing .

  19. 对政府成本入行有效的管理是世界上良多国度的共同愿望。

    Carrying on the effective management to the government cost is many nations'common wishes in the world .

  20. 中国香港特别行政区的地政管理是世界上较为完善的地区之一。

    Hong Kong of China is one of the most advanced regions on land administration in the world .

  21. 地下水是缺水地区重要的水源,其开发管理受到世界各国的广泛重视。

    Groundwater is important sources in water shortage regions , and its development and management has brought worldwide attention .

  22. 有人建议正在力图调整经济管理的世界各国领导人仿效欧洲。

    World leaders struggling to re-position the management of their economies have been advised to look to Europe for guidance .

  23. “走动式”管理是世界上流行的一种创新管理方式,“走动式”管理是一种“以人为本”的情感管理、现场管理、互动管理。

    " get-around " management is one of the creative ways of management that are very popular among the world .

  24. 加强政府部门在城市建设方面决策的科学化,使城市建设和管理瞄准世界先进水平。

    The GIS technique might improve our construction and administration to keep up with the advanced level in the world .

  25. 道路交通安全管理得到世界各国的高度重视,而作为道路交通安全管理的道路交通安全评价就显得尤为重要。

    Nearly governments of all nations are concerned about road traffic safety management , road traffic safety evaluation is especially important .

  26. 伴随信息技术的发展,组织网络化及其管理在世界范围内引起广泛关注。

    Along with the development of IT , organization networking and its management have been paid attentions widespreadly in the world .

  27. 爱立信手机业务(如管理全世界的无线网络)产生的收入占40%。

    Ericsson now generates 40 % of its revenues with services , for instance by managing wireless networks around the world .

  28. 虽然马克·扎克伯格管理着世界上最大的社交媒体网站,但他也无法对黑客攻击免疫。

    He might run the world 's biggest social networking site , but not even Mark Zuckerberg is immune to being hacked .

  29. 案例正文简介了世界银行贷款的性质和特点,描述了广东省财政厅世界银行贷款办公室管理全省世界银行贷款项目的做法、经验与教训。

    Guangdong Provincial Office for World Bank Projects In the case , the characteristic and application procedures of the World Bank loans introduced .

  30. 这些都是本论文研究的核心。笔者希望我们的中小学校内管理与世界接轨,提高上海校内管理的国际竞争力。

    The author hopes that our local school education is with the world , with international competitiveness . These are the core of this thesis .