
ɡuǎn lǐ xínɡ wéi
  • management behavior;administrative behavior;managerial behavior
  1. 高校学生管理行为侵权的法律问题研究

    A Study of Legal Questions on Administrative Behavior Tort of College Student

  2. 高校管理行为的法律属性。

    Second , the legal property of administrative behavior of colleges and universities .

  3. 利用SPSS软件对样本数据进行多元线性回归分析和描述性统计,验证了微利上市公司存在盈余管理行为的假设。

    Sample data is analysised by using multiple linear regression analysis and descriptive statistics of spss software to verify the hypothesis .

  4. 随着20多年的工程建设项目总承包市场的发展,业主的管理行为的成熟,国际化全球化的挑战,国外大型工程公司的进入,EPC工程总承包市场竞争越来越激烈。

    With 20 years of total project construction contract market development , owners mature management practices , internationalization of the challenges of globalization , foreign companies to enter , the market competition of EPC total contract become more and more fierce .

  5. 目的:研究血液透析患者的自我管理行为与HRQOL的关系,特别是自我管理行为与HRQOL的预测因子之间的潜在相关性,以期改善血液透析患者的生活质量。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the relationship between self management behavior and HRQOL in Chinese hemodialysis patients , especially potential association of self management behavior variables with indicators of HRQOL in order to improve their quality of life ( QOL ) .

  6. 我国中西部省市部分地区中学校长体育管理行为研究

    Survey on Middle School Principals ' Management Behaviors in Physical Education

  7. 国家乒乓球教练员团队管理行为特征的心理学探究

    Study of Chinese table tennis team coach group management behavior characteristics

  8. 认为价值评估要关注公司的盈余管理行为;

    Valuation needs to pay attention to the profit management behavior ;

  9. 高一学生的错题管理行为

    A Pilot Investigation on Error Management of Students in High School

  10. 基于民族志方法的个人信息管理行为研究

    Research on the Personal Information Management Behavior Based on Ethnography Method

  11. 以成本为导向的软件企业管理行为转变研究

    The Management Action Shift Based on Cost Advantage about Software Enterprises

  12. 中学体育教师课堂常规管理行为研究

    A Study of In-class Management by P.E.Teachers of Middle Schools

  13. 第二,内部控制是一系列的管理行为过程,内部控制制度是内部控制的基础框架,本质上它是一类契约,是内部控制的行为规则;

    Secondly , internal control systems are basic framework of internal control .

  14. 我国上市公司的许多关联方交易,就是这样的盈余管理行为。

    Many relative party transactions in listed companies belong to this category .

  15. 零准备金制度下商业银行储备管理行为

    Behavior of Bank Reserve Management Under Zero Reserve Requirement System

  16. 我国政府土地管理行为的研究

    Studies on Government 's Land Management Behavior in China

  17. 公共管理行为控制中的激励问题

    The Issue of Encouragement in Controlling Public Management Behavior

  18. 管理行为的复杂性&管理者的核心工作任务分析

    Behavior Complexity in Managerial Leadership : Core Managerial Tasks

  19. 政府采购是提高公共支出效率的一种管理行为。

    Government purchase is a kind of administrative behavior to improve public expenditure efficiency .

  20. 中小学教师课堂管理行为的模型建构与调查研究

    Model Construction and Investigation on Classroom Management Behaviors of Primary and Middle School Teachers

  21. 普通高校高水平运动队教练员管理行为探析

    A Probe into the Management Actions of Outstanding Sports Teams Coaches of Ordinary Colleges

  22. 认识价值,是一切经济和管理行为的基础和前提。

    Understanding the value is a foundation of all the economic and managerial actions .

  23. 高校对大学生的管理行为是公共行政行为。

    The administrative behavior of colleges and universities for students is public administrative behavior .

  24. 上市公司盈余管理行为对配股政策反应的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Response of Earnings Management Behaviors of Listing Companies to Shares-rationing Polices

  25. 我国上市公司现金流风险管理行为及理论研究

    The Research about Chinese Listed Companies ' Cash Flow Risk Management Behavior and Theory

  26. 建立有效的管理行为评价机制

    Establishment of effective management behavior evaluation mechanism

  27. 企业利润管理行为探新

    Innovation of Profit Management Behavior of Enterprises

  28. 违反治安管理行为概念辨析

    Concept Different on Violating Security Administration Action

  29. 金字塔型所有权结构对盈余管理行为的影响

    Pyramidal Ownership Structure and Earnings Management

  30. 基于契约动机的盈余管理行为更偏好采取应计盈余管理方式。

    Managers prefer for accrued earnings management ways when they have contractual motivation to manage earnings .