
  • 网络professional management
  1. 重点税源专业化管理需要不断完善税源管理的体系。

    Key sources of professional management of the need to continuously improve the sources of revenue management system .

  2. 税源专业化管理是近年税收管理的新理念,许多地方在探索税源专业化管理路径方面做了不懈努力。

    Professional management of revenue sources in recent years a new management philosophy , many parts of the path in terms of professional management to explore sources of revenue have made unremitting efforts .

  3. 介绍了吉林石化公司压力管道专业化管理软件与企业EAM系统的管理集成和软件集成技术方案。

    A software integrated technique scheme , for integrating the pressure pipeline specialist manager system into EAM of PetroChina Jilin chemical industrial company is described .

  4. 有些财富帝国设立了家族理财室(familyoffice)来管理自己的财务,但比起世界其它地方,通过专业化管理来满足家族集团财务及个人需求的理念在亚洲流行得比较慢。

    Some have set up family offices to look after their financial affairs , although the idea of professionally run businesses to serve the financial and personal needs of a family group has been slower to catch on in the region than in other parts of the world .

  5. REITs是一种产业投资基金的集合投资产品,它具有税收优惠、专业化管理、所有权和经营权相分离、投资门槛低、有限的投资风险、稳定的投资回报等方面的优势。

    REITs is a collection investment products of industrial investment funds . It has the unique advantage in tax incentives , professional management , separation of ownership and management rights , high liquidity , low investment threshold , limited investment risk , stable investment returns .

  6. 加强学生组织系统及专业化管理。

    To build up student organization , systematic management & professionalism .

  7. 促进专业化管理提升场馆品牌效应。

    Promote the professional management of the venues to enhance brand .

  8. 港口集装箱装卸设备专业化管理的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Specialized Management of Port Container Handling Equipment

  9. 高校体育场馆专业化管理模式探讨

    Study on new mode of management of college sports grounds and stadiums

  10. 专业化管理运作模式思考与探讨

    Discussion on and Consideration about the Specialized Management Mode

  11. 从经济、政策和技术方面论述了实施环保设施专业化管理的可行性,对实施环保设施专业化管理提出了一些具体构想,并提出了专业化管理所面临的问题

    Abstract According to the economy policy and technique the feasibility on implementing the

  12. 兰州铁路局探索专业化管理的新途径

    Lanzhou Railway Administration Explores New Ways of Professional Management

  13. 民营上市公司是否应该摆脱家族式管理的制约,让渡控制权,向专业化管理的治理结构演变?

    Should private listed companies process the evolution from family governance to professional operation ?

  14. 在九个小区中,只有三个小区实施了专业化管理。

    Only three residential districts are managed under specialization in the nine residential districts .

  15. 浅议建筑施工脚手架专业化管理中存在问题的分析及整改对策

    On the professionalization of the management of construction scaffolding problems of analysis and improvement countermeasures

  16. 物探装备专业化管理在经济体制深化改革中应运而生。

    Specialized management of exploration equipment arise in the further reform of the economic structure .

  17. 越来越多的企业已经意识到专业化管理的紧迫性。

    More and more enterprises have realized the urgency of standardized and the specialized management .

  18. 建立管理机制,形成社会化服务、专业化管理、企业化经营的运作格局;

    Secondly , to establish the operation of socialized service , specialized administration and enterprise management .

  19. 石油企业的专业化管理是提高企业管理水平的理性选择。

    The specialized management is a rational choice of the petroleum corporation for increasing the management level .

  20. 实现全过程专业化管理;

    Full process professional management ;

  21. 花木场采取规模化经营,专业化管理,集约化生产方式,为您提供优质而且各式价廉的盆花。

    Our farm adopts appropriate scale operation and intensive production and supplies good quality and cheep potted flowers .

  22. 介绍了设备运行维护专业化管理在四川某水力发电总厂设备管理工作中的应用情况。

    The thesis introduces equipment operation and maintenance professional management application situation in a hydroelectric plant in Sichuan .

  23. 整合现有产品,强化品牌建设,建立专业化管理营销队伍;

    Secondly , they should integrate with existing products , strengthen brands and build the specialized marketing management team .

  24. 新公共管理理论包容八个方面:强调公共政策领域的专业化管理(组织类型管理专业化);

    The new theory of public management contains the next eight aspects : 1.specializing management in public policy domain ;

  25. 科学系统规划、多渠道推进天然气管道网络建设和专业化管理;

    Program scientifically and systematically , push forward the special management and the network construction of gas pipeline by multi-channel ;

  26. 在这一背景下,将人力资源管理职能外包成为部分企业的专业化管理的选择途径。

    In this situation , outsourcing human resource management functions is a choice of some enterprises in their professional management .

  27. 同时也发现在医院进一步发展中有待提高对集约式发展、医疗安全、数字化革命和专业化管理的关注与投入。

    Some issues such as intensive development , medical safety and professional management were considered to be paid more attention .

  28. 实行专业化管理后,公司管理部门要制订新的管理制度,使用新的管理方法以适应专业化管理的组织形式。

    By adoption of specialized management , the management department should establish new managing rules and use new managing method .

  29. 农村供电所实施专业化管理是农电管理深化改革的重大举措,常州供电公司进行了有益的探索和实践。

    Implementing the professional management in rural power supply utilities is an important measure for deepening the rural power management reformation .

  30. 政府投资项目采用代建制模式,实现了项目的专业化管理,有利于提高项目的投资效益。

    The government investing projects used agent construction , accomplished the professional management of the project and improved the investment benefits .