
  1. 根据眼科专家的说法,如果你的视力超过2米(6.6英尺)就模糊不清,那你就是近视。

    Eye experts say that you are myopic if your vision is blurred beyond 2m ( 6.6ft ) .

  2. 互联网:强迫性上网行为是否是网瘾,该如何治疗?心理健康专家对此说法不一

    The internet : Mental-health specialists disagree over whether to classify compulsive online behaviour as addiction - and how to treat it

  3. 当然,根据专家的说法,这可能发生在你迅速喝下了80到100杯咖啡之后。

    Caffeine Can Kill You But you 'd have to drink 80 to 100 cups in a hurry , health experts say .

  4. 据国有媒体的报道和一些专家的说法,这将是中国国家电网首次直接向外国提供电力。

    That will be the first time China 's state grid has provided power directly to a foreign country , according to state media reports and Chinese experts .

  5. 医学专家的说法,这是因为洋蓟提取活性酶抑制辅酶还原酶减少胆固醇盒成量。

    Medical experts theorize this is because artichoke extract inhibits the activity of the enzyme HMG CoA Reductase to decrease the amount of cholesterol made by your liver .

  6. 根据研究小企业的专家的说法,了解市场是一个更为复杂的过程,开始时的失败只是这个过程的一个阶段,它能提高整个过程的效率。

    Unsuccessful attempts to start a business become part of the larger process of sorting out the market and making it more efficient , according to small business experts .

  7. 分析师表示,安徽鑫科的交易或许会被置于显微镜下审视,尤其是考虑到根据两位娱乐业金融专家的说法,该公司支付的价格很高。

    Analysts say Anhui Xinke 's deal may well come under the microscope , especially since the price it paid was high , according to two entertainment finance specialists .

  8. 《中国证券报》引用了法律专家的说法称,这项收购通过上月生效的新反垄断法的几率很大。

    China enacted a rule last year requiring a national security review for foreign acquisitions in some industries , though there was no indication Coca-Cola might face that hurdle , AP said .

  9. 根据国际关系问题专家奥斯尔的说法,侵入伊拉克有外交风险。

    There are diplomatic risks to any Iraqi incursion , according to international relations expert Soli Ozel .

  10. 根据专家们的说法,这种母子间皮肤和皮肤的亲密接触对婴儿来说有巨大的功效。

    According to experts , the ' skin-to-skin ' bonding between mother and baby has a tremendous effect on the baby .

  11. 在去年意大利科学家研究中使用的老鼠里,有很多一直患有慢性呼吸道疾病,按照欧盟专家小组的说法,这才是令它们身上出现肿瘤的最有可能的原因。

    Many of the rats in the study had suffered from chronic respiratory disease and the panel said that was the most likely cause of the tumors .

  12. 根据达沃斯世界经济论坛一个专家小组的说法,世界范围内的管理人才短缺状况正在加剧,而且很有可能在下一个十年变得更加严重。

    The worldwide shortage of executive talent is intensifying and is set to get even worse over the next decade , according to a panel of experts at the World Economic Forum in Davos .

  13. 根据澳大利亚昆士兰大学的滨鸟生态专家富勒的说法,50年前存在的黄海滩涂栖息地总面积中,只剩下了三分之一。

    Of the total area of Yellow Sea mudflat habitat which existed 50 years ago , only one third remains - according to shorebird ecology expert Richard Fuller of the University of Queensland , Australia .

  14. 英国一名顶尖的睡眠专家不同意这种说法。

    One of the country 's top sleep experts disagree .

  15. 但是独立专家们有什么说法?

    But what do independent experts say ?