
zhuān quán
  • Autocracy;monopolize power;grab all the power
专权 [zhuān quán]
  • [grab all the powers;monopolize power] 一个人独掌权力,毫无透明度。独裁,不民主。

专权[zhuān quán]
  1. 她独断专权太久了

    She 's been an absolute ruler there for long enough .

  2. 论唐朝后期的宦官专权

    The Eunuch 's Monopoly Of Power in Late Tang Dynasty

  3. 叶适则批判专权,予以修正;

    Yeshi revived the structure by criticizing the monarchical power ;

  4. 他在公司里一人专权。

    He grabbed all the power in the firm .

  5. 略论明代中后期的宦官擅权中晚唐监察体制与宦官专权

    Supervision System and Monopolized Power of the Eunuch in Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

  6. 他想成为绝对专权的君主

    He wants to be an absolute monarch .

  7. 你是独断专权的父母吗?

    Are you an authoritative parent ?

  8. 何以李林甫之态度前后效果不同?李林甫专权与盛唐转衰关系再探讨

    Re-investigation on the Relation between LI Lin-fu 's Monopolizing Power and the Declination from Prosperity of Tang Dynasty

  9. 梁冀专权近20年,势力庞大。

    Therefore , Liang Ji controlled the imperial court for nearly twenty years and his influence was tremendous .

  10. 校长的专权对学校的管理和教育事业的发展带来了很坏的影响。

    The abusing of rectories power has brought very bad influences to the school administration and education enterprise .

  11. 同时,由于审美的独特身份而使其具有反叛传统与现代性的双重身份,但这种颠覆又是植根于不确定的身体感觉之上的,从而使得它最终沦为虚无与专权。

    At the same time , aesthetic modernity rebels both tradition and modernity , because of its special body .

  12. 这种观点启发我们要在不同文化类型之间进行经验事实的互补,避免由于个别经验导致的武断、专权。

    His idea reminds us of the complementation of different cultures , and helps us escape from the individual arbitrariness .

  13. 法治社会的生成是一个不断削弱政治专权、捍卫个体尊严的过程。

    The formation of rule-of-law society is a process with the declining political monopoly and the rise of personal dignity .

  14. 在一定程度上,它是与唐代的政局变动、宦官专权、藩镇割据等重大问题结合在一起的。

    In some degree , it relates the change of political situation , eunuch 's politics and local separate regime politics .

  15. 在国家行政权力的安排上突出中心,实行单一专权专任制;

    Stress the center in the arrangement of national administrative power , arrogate all powers to oneself to make singly privately ;

  16. 当前我国,司法专权、司法不公的现象并非个别。

    In our country , the phenomenon of the arbitration in judicature and the impartiality in judicial practice are not unpopular .

  17. 他们绝对不会为了方便,或为了个人利益而拍某些人的马屁,附从少数专权人士的主张;

    They don 't flatter somebody for convenience and personal interest and echo the opinion of a few man of high position .

  18. 专利制度和其他知识产权制度一样,旨在专权利人利益和公众利益之间寻求一种平衡。

    Just like other intellectual property rights , the patent right is seeking for a profit balance between patent holders and the public .

  19. 阿米什人因实施胡子袭击案而被判仇视犯罪,这些袭击是为了报复违抗领导者塞缪尔·姆雷特专权统治的那些人。

    Amish initially found guilty of hate-crimes were carrying out the attacks of retaliation against other arms should defy the authoritarian meaning of leader , Samuel Mullet .

  20. 唐代是中国历史上宦官专权最严重的朝代,也是反宦官斗争遭遇挫折最大的时代。

    Tang Dynasty is the most serious dynasty of eunuch dictatorship in china history , and also the most hard time encountering setbacks in struggling against eunuch .

  21. 李林甫上台、专权和引用蕃将,都是开元天宝之际特定形势的产物。

    LI lin-fu 's going on stage , monopolizing power and promoting vassal generals , is all an outcome to particular situation in transition from Kaiyuan to Tianbao .

  22. 加速生祠普遍化的社会因素主要包括各地的赋役改革、地方动乱、宦官专权等。

    The social factors accelerating the generalization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corv é e , local rebellion , the monopoly of eunuch , etc.

  23. 正德时期的刘瑾专权与嘉靖时期的议大礼案,造成了士人政治理想的破灭与愤激悲凉的心态。

    Masanori period in power and Jia Jing Liu Jin period proposed gift case , resulting in the demise of scholars and cynical political ideals desolate state of mind .

  24. 分权与制衡是现代公司治理的核心,因为权力过度集中必然引起专权与腐败。

    Content : Since the power excessiveness concentrates to cause by all means particularly power and corruption , divide-the-power and check-and-balances are the cores of the modern corporate governance .

  25. 但上校们的作为往往要街道上人们的大力呼喊之下才下得了决心,看上去勉勉强强,给人们不好的印象,仿佛他们骨子里还是希望走专权主义的老路似的。

    But the generals have often acted only when prompted by shouting from the street , and then grudgingly , leaving the impression that their instincts remain stubbornly autocratic .

  26. 有批评人士称,总统的做法已经向专权的道路发展。他们指出,总统忽视确有其事的推荐信(?)以及调解委员会提出的战争指控。

    Critics of the president say she has become autocratic , pointing out that she ignored the recommendations of a truth and reconciliation commission charged with investigating the civil war .

  27. 现代性扩张的后果是把人类带入了一个风险社会,而走出风险社会的乌托邦现实主义导向性策略是消除贫困、恢复环境、反对专权以及减少社会生活中的武力与暴力。

    Utopian realistic strategy of getting rid of the risky society is to eliminate poverty , restore the environment , oppose autocracy and reduce armed force and violence of the social life .

  28. 并在吸收前辈学者们的研究成果过程中,提出一些新的看法和观点,以期对今后的外戚专权研究有一点参考作用。

    And senior scholars in the absorption of research results of the process , put forward some new views and perspectives to the right post on the future of Dukes reference point .

  29. 神策军中尉是唐代中后期宦官最为显赫的职务,其职权通过典领中央禁军而不断延伸,逐步侵夺宰相的议政决策大权,进而把持朝政,最终形成宦官专权的局面。

    The power of the commander of Shen-ce Forces was so greatly strengthened that it gradually took over the power of the prime minister and controlled the court administration in the end .

  30. 到东汉末年,宦官专权,吏治腐败,政局动荡,传统的经学已经不适应社会发展的需要,弊端百出。

    In the late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty , eunuchs autocratic , corrupt officials , political instability , the traditional Confucian classics had no community development to meet more social needs .