
  1. 儒家人物关系论与现代生态伦理

    Confucian Theory of Man - material Relationships and Modern Ecological Ethics

  2. 对于下层民众说来,卷入商业活动只是条件问题,而对于严肃的儒家人物则是自我变异的问题。

    To the commoners , to become involved in commercial activity was merely a question of social condition , while it demands self-transformation to the serious Confucians .

  3. 首先阐述《礼记》中的人物概况及其文学意义,然后重点论述儒家人物形象。

    Firstly , the paper elaborates the character survey and the literature significance in The Book of Rites , and then emphatically elaborates especially the Confucian figure images .

  4. 在现代新儒家人物中,张君劢可堪称为“不因哲学忘政治,不因政治忘哲学”的典范。

    Among the modern new personages of the Confucianists , Zhang Junmai can call model of " not forget politics because of philosophy , not forget philosophy because of politics " .

  5. 新儒家代表人物梁漱溟的乡村建设理论有着丰富的伦理蕴涵。

    As a representative of Neo-Confucians , Liang Shuming 's rural construction theory is rich in its ethic implications .

  6. 孔、孟虽同为儒家代表人物,但两人在民本主义思想上却存在很多不同点。

    Confucius and Mencius are the representatives of Confucian , but these two men hold different doctrines on the problem of taking people as essence .

  7. 现代新儒家代表人物特重《易传》,他们借助于诠释《易传》来阐发自己的哲学思想。

    The representatives of the Modern New Confucianism laid great stress on Yi Zhuan , with the interpretation of which they have elucidated their philosophical ideas .

  8. 荀子(约公元前313年~公元前238年),名况,宇卿,时人尊称为“荀卿”,汉代避宣帝讳,称之为孙卿。赵国人,儒家代表人物之一。

    Xun Zi ( 313 B. C. ~ 238 B. C. ) , whose given name was Kuang and courtesy name Qing , was born in the State of Zhao and was a key figure in the Confucius school .

  9. 儒家的代表人物还有孟子和荀子。

    Mencius and Xunzi are the followers of the Confucianism .

  10. 三系论是现代新儒家重要代表人物牟宗三儒学思想的标志性成果。

    Theory on Three Schools is the important result of Mu Zongsan s Confucian thought .

  11. 冯友兰是二十世纪影响很大的哲学史家,哲学家,新儒家的代表人物之一。

    Feng Youlan is an influential philosopher and one of the members of New Confucian in the twentieth century .

  12. 唐君毅是中国现代史上著名的哲学家,也是现代新儒家的代表人物之一。

    Tang Junyi is a famous philosopher in China modern history as well as one of the important representatives of Modern New Confucianism .

  13. 与其他现代新儒家的代表人物相同的是,马一浮的学术思想也经历了一个由西学到传统、由激进到保守的动态转变。

    Like other representatives of modern New Confucians his thoughts have undergone a dynamic transition from west learning to tradition and radicalness to conservativeness .

  14. 马一浮先生是20世纪中国思想文化史上的著名学者,也是现代新儒家的代表人物,被誉为千年国粹,一代儒宗。

    Mr. Ma Yi-fu is a representative figure of the twentieth century , the famous scholar of the history of Chinese thought and culture , modern Neo-Confucianism .

  15. 孟子是中国古代历史中占有重要一席之地的儒家思想代表人物,但是关于孟子的幸福观及其当代启示的探讨却没有在当代学术界的研究中充分展开。

    Mencius was a celebrated and representative one who occupied an important place of Confucianism in ancient China , while focusing on Mencius ' view of happiness and its enlightenment is not fully developed in the study of contemporary academic .

  16. 作为汉初儒家学者的代表人物之一的韩婴继承和发展了儒家典籍中的天人理论,构筑自己的天道观。

    Han Ying was one of the Confucian representatives who constructed his own thoughts of Tian-Ren by inheriting from Confucian classics .

  17. 孟子,战国时期著名的政治家、教育家、辩论家,儒家的主要代表人物之一。

    Mencius , as a famous thinker , politician , educator , is one main representative figure of the Confucianism in the Warring States period .

  18. 我的论文选择将宗教问题作为一个专题引入中国哲学的问题研究,并且选取了早期(1949年前)现代新儒家的几个代表人物&梁漱溟、熊十力、冯友兰、贺麟。

    This dissertation selected religion as a monographic study leading into Chinese philosophy . The representative characters of early modern new Confucianism ( before 1949 ) had their attitudes to religion .

  19. 董仲舒是西汉时期儒家学派的代表人物之一,他继承传统儒家教化学说,在此基础上融合先秦诸子思想,并依据汉代社会的实际情况,阐述了自己独到的教化思想理论。

    Dong Zhongshu is one of the representatives of Confucian in the West-Han Dynasty , He inherited the traditional cultivation theories of Confucian and integrate many other theories in Pre-Qin Period , Elaborated his original cultivation thoughts Based on the actual situation of the West-Han Dynasty .