
rú jiā jīnɡ diǎn
  • Confucian Classics
  1. 二是儒家经典是科学研究的知识基础;

    The Confucian classics provided the basic knowledge for scientific research ;

  2. 从释义学角度看儒家经典翻译从阐释学视角探讨译者的主体性&兼谈《魔戒》译者主体性发挥

    A Hermeneutic Approach to the Translation of Confucian Classics

  3. 儒家经典阅读与中学生命教育

    Confucianism Classics Reading and the Life Education of Middle School Students

  4. 略论儒家经典神圣化的历程

    On the Progress of Sanctification of Classics of Confucian School

  5. 儒家经典文本教育与语文能力提高。

    Confucian classical works education and language ability enhancement .

  6. 阐释学与儒家经典英译

    Hermeneutics and the English Translation of Confucian Classics

  7. 中国古代文论的大半壁江山都是由儒家经典所奠定的。

    A big part of Chinese ancient critic classics are attributed to Confucian classics .

  8. 为儒家经典著作之一,出于孔子的孙子子思之手。

    It is one of the classic works of Confucianist , and attributed to Confucius'grandson Zisi .

  9. 朱熹以其毕生的精力诠释儒家经典,通过释经进行哲学理论的创造,同时也建立了独具特色的经典诠释学。

    Zhu Xi made annotations on Confucian classics through his life and established a distinctive classical hermeneutics .

  10. 儒家经典一个引人注目的特征是它对现实世界的生活的关心。

    A striking feature of the Confucian canon is its overwhelming concern with life in this world .

  11. 戴震的儒家经典诠释学思想分为早、中、后三个时期。

    The development of his classical annotation of Confucian experienced early period , middle period and later period .

  12. 北宋学者对儒家经典的研究侧重于探讨义理,苏轼亦如此。

    The scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty prefered to probe into the significance of the Confucian classics .

  13. 公元59年,明帝亲自到太学讲学,并与博士讨论儒家经典。

    In 59 , Emperor Ming personally lectured in the imperial academy and discussed Confucian classics with scholars .

  14. 这样一来,使得原本积极救世的儒家经典变成了虚妄迷信的温床。

    In this way , the originally positive salvation Confucianism turned into the hotbed of vanity and superstition .

  15. 自从《论语》成为儒家经典后,后世贤人对其进行了各个方面的研究。

    Scholars have done much research in varieties of respects on The Analects since it became the Confucian classics .

  16. 该命题认为儒家经典都是对历史事实的记录。

    The Confucian classics represent the historical facts , and the historical facts would come back to our lives .

  17. 司马光研习儒家经典,通过科举考试之后很快就身居高位。

    Sima Guang studied the Confucian Classics and , after passing his civil-service examinations , rose rapidly to high office .

  18. 《孝经》是一部重要的儒家经典,被尊为儒家十三经之一。

    The Classic on Filial Piety is an important Confucianism classic , it was one of " 13 Confucianism " .

  19. 孟子的散文也是儒家经典之一,气势如虹,十分雄辩。

    The Mencius'essays , which are greatly powerful and eloquent , are also one of the classical works of Confucianism .

  20. 这一时期学校教育的主要内容为五经为代表的儒家经典文献。

    The main content of the School Education in this period is the Confucian classic literature , such as Five Jing .

  21. 作为现实摹本的传统&儒家经典解释在中国现代性追寻中的处境

    Tradition : A Facsimile of Reality & The Dilemma Faced by Interpretation of Confucian Classics in China 's Pursuit for Modernity

  22. 通过哲学的支持和解释,学者们重新为儒家经典和其他典籍作了注释。

    From the angel of philosophy and by means of exegesis , the scholars re-annotated Confucian classies and other classical works .

  23. 中井履轩对于「正统的」儒家经典,也提出一套看法,他说:文化。

    Nakai Riken for " orthodox " Confucian classics , but also a set of views , he said : Cultural .

  24. 文章根据巴斯奈特提出的文化翻译观,探讨以儒家经典著作《论语》为例的文化负载词“仁”的翻译方法。

    The essence of cultural translation theory is to take culture as a unit and to translate culture as a whole .

  25. 《尔雅》是儒家经典之一,在中国学术史、文化史上有着重要的地位。

    Erya , one of the Confucian classics , plays an important role in the history of scholarship and culture in China .

  26. 阅读的教材以儒家经典为主,教学内容主要包括断句读、析章节和训释文字。

    The textbooks were chiefly Confucian classics , and the contents of teaching included punctuating , passage analysis and interpretation of words .

  27. 他对儒学思想的阐释,包含有对儒家经典典籍的解读,体现他对儒家传统经典的继承和独到的发挥。

    Interpretation of Confucianism , including the interpretation of the Confucian classic texts , reflecting the Confucian classic inheritance and unique play .

  28. 世俗人生:儒家经典生活的窘境与晚明士人社会角色的转化

    Secular Life : the Predicament of Confucian Classics Way of Life and the Transformation of Intellectual Social Role in Late Ming Time

  29. 从那时起,所有的政府官员都被要求学习儒家经典,法律也相应地作出解释和说明。

    From then on , all government officials were required to learn and study the Confucian Classics and laws were interpreted accordingly .

  30. 由于它与传统的儒家经典&五经的密切关系,是构成汉代思想文化的重要组成部分。

    For the connection with the traditional Confucian Classics Weishu constitutes an important component of the ideology and culture of the Han Dynasty .