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  • the scholars' circle;academic circles
儒林 [rú lín]
  • [academic circles] 儒家学者之群

儒林[rú lín]
  1. 《儒林外史》的作者是吴敬梓。

    Wu Jingzi was the author of the scholars .

  2. 尊大人精神正旺,何以就这般急流勇退?(《儒林外史》)

    Your father is still in his prime : why should he be so eager to retire ?

  3. 挨到晚上,痰响了一阵,喘息一回,呜呼哀哉,断气身亡。(《儒林外史》)

    In the evening , the death-rattle sounded in his throat , and with a last gasp he gave up the ghost .

  4. 世人见了功名,便舍着性命去求他,及至到手之后,味同嚼蜡。(《儒林外史》)

    Men will risk their lives in search of success and fame ; yet once they have them , the taste is no better than chewed tallow .

  5. 《儒林外史》中的把字句和将字句林业人才资源利用与林业数字图书馆建设

    Relationship between talent resource utilization and digital library construction in Forestry

  6. 《儒林外史》中的编辑形象和编辑理念

    Images of Editors and Editorial Thought in The Scholars EDITOR FRONT LINE

  7. 从《儒林外史》的翻译谈文化负载词的英译方法

    On the Approaches to Translating Culture-loaded Words in The Scholar

  8. 《儒林外史》在中国古代小说史上具有非常重要的地位。

    The Scholars has a very important position in Chinese ancient novel history .

  9. 论《儒林外史》的逻辑结构形式

    On the Logical Structure of Informal History of Intellectuals

  10. 目前对《儒林外史》女性形象的研究,是比较少的。

    Now , the study on the female image of The Scholars is less .

  11. 《儒林外史》两种价值体系初探

    A Primary Study of the Two Value System of Unofficial History of the Literati

  12. 《史记》与《儒林外史》:叙事模式的承传与重构

    " Historical Records " and " Scholars ": Narrative Mode of Inheritance and Reconstruction

  13. 《儒林外史》中的女性形象具有独特的价值和地位。

    The images of women in The Scholars has a unique value and position .

  14. 鲜明的对比形成强烈的讽刺&谈《儒林外史》的讽刺手法之一

    A Striking Contrast to Form a Strong Satire

  15. 《儒林外史》英译本中的文化缺省及其补偿策略

    The Cultural Default and Its Compensation Strategies in the English Version of the Scholars

  16. 论吴敬梓的思想及其对《儒林外史》创作的影响

    On Wu Jing-zi 's Thoughts and Their Influence on the Creation of the Scholars

  17. 《儒林外史》汉英语篇之人际功能对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Interpersonal Function Between the Chinese and English Versions of The Scholar

  18. 汉英翻译中动词的处理&《儒林外史》选例分析

    The Translation of the Chinese Verb into English & A Sample Study of The Scholars

  19. 论《儒林外史》中的兄弟组合

    On the Brotherhood Combination in The Scholars

  20. 《儒林外史》作为一部近代讽刺小说在语言上有其自身的特色。

    As a modem sarcastic novel , Unofficial History of The scholars is characterized by its speech .

  21. 在《儒林外史》中,王冕是作者高标的儒家理想人格。

    Wang Mian was a kind of ideal personality of Confucianism in The Scholars by WU Jing-Zi .

  22. 《儒林外史》叙事艺术

    Narrative Art of the Scholars

  23. 上下文语境研究&《儒林外史》汉英语篇对比分析

    A Functional Study of Ru Lin Wai Shi and its English Version : A Context of Co-text Perspective

  24. 《儒林外史》的语言精练,人物性格描写很有特点,是中国古典讽刺文学的杰作。

    With succinct language and excellent characterization , it is a masterpiece of classical satirical literature of China .

  25. 《儒林外史》常与《红楼梦》并举,被称为中国古典小说的巅峰之作。

    The Scholars is known as one peak work of Chinese classical novels as A Dream of Red Mansions .

  26. 《儒林外史》是一部表现封建文人生活状态和精神状态的长篇小说。

    Stories of the Scholars is a long novel demonstrating the living and mental state of the feudalistic humanist .

  27. 90年代的《儒林外史》研究是继80年代全面繁荣以后又一高峰。

    The research on Inofficial History of the Literati of 90s reached another peak after its prosperity in the 80s .

  28. 在我国古典小说长篇小说中,《儒林外史》的结构形式可谓独树一帜,论者各抒己见,众说纷纭。

    Among the classical novels of our country , the structure of the novel Informal History of Intellectuals is unique .

  29. 在韩国历史上一直有一支以弘扬和实践儒教精神为己任的儒林队伍。

    There has been a Confucian scholar rank carrying forward and practicing the spirit of Confucianism in the history of Korea .

  30. 摘要以知识分子为描写对象的《儒林外史》,生动、具体地反映出明清时期士人的学习观念。

    The Chinese classic novel the scholars depicts intellectuals , vividly reflecting learning concept of the intellectuals in the Ming and Qing dynasties .