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  1. 相关性分析使用二元定距变量的相关性分析Pearson简单相关系数,P值0.05认为差异有显著性。

    Correlation analysis using binary variables set from the simple Pearson correlation coefficient , P value 0.05 was considered significant difference .

  2. 采用BIC准则函数进行选元定阶。

    BIC criterion is used to choose the variable and defined the steps .

  3. 二元定常跨音速流有限差分计算中的初场问题

    Some questions concerning the initial fields in finite-difference computation of two - Dimensional Steady Transonic Flows

  4. 本文结合变形纱的变形机理,根据气流一元定常等熵流动的理论,阐述空气变形喷嘴流道内最佳结构特点,并分析研究空气变形喷嘴的主要结构参数。

    This paper expounds the optimum shape and the main structural data of air-texturing jet in accordance with the texturing mechanism of ATY and the theory of the one-dimension steady isoentropic flow of air .

  5. 为研究初场对计算结果的影响,本文从二元定常跨音速小扰动方程出发,用混合有限差分松弛迭代法对NACA0012翼型作了计算。

    To study the influence of initial fields on computation results , the author , starting from two-dimensional steady transonic small disturbance equation , has computed NACA 0012 airfoil by the mixed finite-difference relaxation iteration method .

  6. 导出了把一元定积分中奇、偶函数在关于原点的对称区间上的积分性质推广到在对称区域上的二元对称函数的二重积分的情形。

    Generalize the integral characters of the odd and even functions of the unary definite integral in the symmetrical interval about the origin are generalized to the double integral of binary symmetrical functions in the symmetrical region , where similar characters are obtained .

  7. 用X热线探针测量二元非定常流速度的方法

    A method for measuring two-dimensional unsteady flow velocity with x-hot-wire probes

  8. Markov积分算子半群的生成元稠定的充分必要条件是q-矩阵Q一致有界;

    We obtain that the generator of the Markov integrated semigroup is densely defined in l_ ∞ if and only if q-matrix Q is uniformly bounded .

  9. 采用的方程是三元非定常跨声速修正小扰动位势方程,使用时间积分法,求解格式是近似因式分解交替方向隐式(ADI)格式。

    The numerical procedure solves the unsteady transonic modified three-dimensional small perturbation equation by time accurate alternating direction implicit finite difference scheme .

  10. 该控制系统采用远程集中式控制方式,由远程主控计算机完成视频信号、测距信号和行进信号的接收和处理,并遥控底盘、诸元装定和CCD视频系统的驱动电路完成各自的运动。

    The control system is a type of remote centralized system , receiving and processing video signal , range signal and traveling signal , and controlling the drive circuit of chassis , data and CCD sensor are accomplished by the remote master computer .

  11. 风力透平叶片振动时的三元非定常气动力

    Three dimensional unsteady aerodynamic force on a vibrating wind turbine blade

  12. 由计算的三元非定常压力数据来预估旋翼辐射的桨涡干扰噪声

    Prediction of rotor blade vortex interaction noise using 3 D unsteady surface pressure

  13. 一元非定常流的惯性力

    Inertia force effect in one-dimensional unsteady flow

  14. 表面激子极化激元的定域化

    Localization of surface - exciton polaritons

  15. 基于二元对比定权法的水质评价模型及其应用

    Water Quality Assessment Model Based on Dualistic Factor Contrast for Indexes Weight Calculation and Its Application

  16. 本文采用数值方法对叶轮机基元非定常流和排间匹配进行深入研究。

    Numerical studies about cascade unsteady flow and the edge-matching technique are presented in this paper .

  17. 而考虑基元非定常流动的叶型设计和排间缘线匹配技术将是未来叶轮机非定常气动设计的核心。

    The blade design with consideration of flow unsteadiness and the edge matching will be the hard-core of unsteady design of turbomachinery .

  18. 在存在着随机粗糙和空间色散时,利用了一个数字模型研究表面激子极化激元的定域化。

    A numerical model for investigating the localization of surface exciton polaritons in the presence of random roughness and spatial dispersion was established .

  19. 遥控轮式诸元装定平台是一种轮式运载工具与机器人战士相结合的新概念机电一体化装置。

    Data setting of remote wheeled platform is a new concept for mechanical and electrical integrated equipment which is combined wheeled vehicle with robot .

  20. 然后以一个典型算例考察了有限元非定常粘弹性位移反分析算法在应用上的可行性;

    Then the application feasibility of the finite element non-stationary visco-elastic displacement back analysis algorithm is examined based on the analysis of an classic case ;

  21. 并对名元、定元、动元作了具体分析,讨论了领事、与事和限事、饰事的区别,复杂定语与名核结构的层次性等问题。

    And to name argument , attribute argument , verb argument , make a concrete analysis , discuss consul , and thing , and limit thing , decorations difference of thing , questions , such as complicated attribute and level of the nuclear structure of name .

  22. 并利用ANSYS有限元软件对定扭矩螺栓的工作过程进行了仿真。

    And ANSYS software of finite element method is utilized to emulate the working course of fixed torque bolt .

  23. 回顾了运用非协调矩形元方法求解定常N-S方程解的稳定性和误差估计;

    The stability and error estimates are recalled to solve the stationary N-S equations with the nonconforming quadrilateral element method .

  24. 元与清定立国号的思想文化分析

    Ideological Culture Analysis of the Titles of Yuan and Qing Dynasties

  25. 二元机翼非定常压强分布测量初步研究

    A preliminary investigasion of unsteady pressure measurement on a two-dimensional wing model

  26. s元线性不定方程的全体整数解公式

    A formula of all integral solutions for linear indeterminate equations of s variables

  27. 火箭炮射表编拟及发射诸元快速装定研究

    Study on the Compilation of Firing Tables and Rapid Firing Elements Binding of Rocket Gun System

  28. 定积分换元法是定积分计算的主要方法之一。对称性在定积分计算中的应用

    The method of the definite integral by substitution is one of the main techniques among the definite integral calculation . Application of the Symmetry in the Definite Integral Calculation

  29. 有限制牌照银行可接受公众任何期限的通知存款和定期存款,但存款额不得少于50万元,所定的利率不受任何限制。

    Restricted licence banks may take call , notice and time deposits of any maturity from the public , but in amounts of not less than $ 500000.there are no restrictions on the interest rates they may offer .

  30. n元一次不定方程的通解

    The Solution of N-Variables Indefinite Equation of the First Degree