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  1. 在查看完双方的驾驶证后,冯伟开玩笑地说,“好巧啊!你们都出生于1988年,所以你们有很多共同处呢。”两人相视一笑都没有说话了。

    After checking their driving licenses , Feng Wei joked , " What a coincidence ! You were both born in 1988 so you 've got some common ground " The two smiled at each other and said nothing .

  2. 正当他们相互指责对方时,巡警冯伟抵达事故现场说:“今天也这么晚了,咱们就迅速解决这件事,让保险公司决定损失额度。”听到这话,他们态度都有所缓和。

    While the two kept blaming each other , police patrol officer Feng Wei arrived at the scene and said , " Since it is late , I will deal with this quickly and then let the insurance company determine the damages for you . " Hearing this , the two were highly relieved .