
  1. 冯欣:那我们来看看你的经历:在你参加完两门笔试以后,之后的五轮面试是什么样的?

    Feng Xin : Well , let 's look at your experiences . After you took the two written exams , what did the following five rounds of selections look like ?

  2. 冯欣:我们知道,国考一年比一年热,报名的年轻人一年比一年多,那么你对这个现象怎么看呢?

    Feng Xin : As we know , there has been a growing number of young people taking part in the National Civil Servants Examination each year . What do you think of such a phenomenon ?

  3. 冯欣:那你有没有听说今年增加了很多辛苦的岗位?比如说要在很偏远的地方工作,或者是要有长时间的加班,似乎公务员不再是一个轻松的工作了。

    Feng Xin : Have you heard that there are going to be many demanding positions this year , which require you to work in remote areas or long hours ? It seems that being a civil servant is no longer an easy job .