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  1. CRI新闻,郭彦(音译)报道。重点讲解:她估计,国内消费占了总体增长的40%。

    Domestic consumption ac counted for 40 per cent of overall growth , she estimated .

  2. CRI新闻,郭彦(音译)报道。重点讲解:由于这是一篇技术性的文章,因此我们重点讨论保护系统的技术解决方案。

    Since this is a technical article , we ar e focused on technical solutions to securing systems .

  3. CRI新闻,郭彦(音译)报道。重点讲解:除在大学继续他的学业外,他也为一家小的证券交易所工作同时也在经营着自己开办的一家投资公司。

    Apart from his university commitments , he works for a small hedge fund and runs his own investment company on the side .

  4. CRI新闻,郭彦(音译)报道。重点讲解:丹尼尔想做调停人。该集团今年的目标是建立一个全球多重经理人平台,并推动其地产证券业务的发展。

    This year 's ambition is to build a global multi-manager platform and pu sh forward the property securities side of the business .

  5. 以上是记者郭彦(音译)为《北京时间》节目进行的报道。在大西洋两岸,围绕危机后货币与财政政策的辩论一直在升温。

    The debate over post-crisis monetary and fiscal policy has been he , on both sides of the Atlantic .

  6. 郭彦将带来详细报道:当地警方表示,这起事故发生在洛杉矶县卡拉巴萨市,没有幸存者。

    Guo Yan has details : Local police say there were no survivors in the crash in Calabasas , a city in Los Angeles County .