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  1. 将来,这种指定权会提醒FDA,我们乐于为需要的病人带来更好的癌症治疗。

    Further , this designation alerts the FDA that we are dedicated to bringing better cancer therapy to patients in need .

  2. 药物的专利权会值多少?

    What the patent on this drug is gonna be worth ?

  3. 座位优先权会给那些在候补名单上的学生。

    Priority in seating will be given to those on the waitlist .

  4. 如果我们侵犯了专利权会怎么样?

    What happens if we have a patent infringement ?

  5. 皮萨尼认为,广泛强调病人隐私权会对艾滋病人造成潜在伤害。

    She thinks that a widespread emphasis on patients'rights may have done unintended harm .

  6. 图书馆员:没关系,不过你的借书权会被暂停十五天。

    Librarian : it 's ok , but your borrowing privileges have been suspended for15 days .

  7. 行政机关的社会角色决定了它行使法律解释权会带来执法的不公正。

    The social role of administration decides that it hold the power of legal will lead to unfair .

  8. 与技术直接相关的知识产权,尤其是专利权会对药品价格产生直接的影响。

    The intellectual property right of technology , especially the patent right , can influence the drug prices directly .

  9. 快速通道的反对者希望剥离了劳工援助法案的贸易促进权会在参议院遇到麻烦。

    Opponents of fast track hoped trade promotion authority without worker assistance would run into trouble in the Senate .

  10. 那么外部哪个机构来掌握审计选聘权会更有效呢?研究结论认为,财务报表保险制度固然很好,但该制度仍然处于规范的理论研究阶段。

    Study concluded that the financial statements insurance system is preferred , but the system is still in the standard theory research stage .

  11. 另外,国际法院与法庭的管辖权会产生重叠,即一个确定的争端会被提交一个以上的司法机构审查。

    Additionally , jurisdiction competition will occur under this circumstance which means a certain dispute can be addressed by more than one available forum .

  12. 由于捷克商业的这种等级体系,决策权会比较集中,很少会遭到下属质疑或挑战。

    As a result of the hierarchical system of Czech business , decision-making power is centralized and is rarely questioned or challenged by those of a lower rank .

  13. 透明度问题在未来也可能变得更为重要;没有它,基金管理公司想赢得委托管理权会困难许多。

    Transparency is also likely to become a more important issue in the future ; without it managers will have a far more difficult time trying to win mandates .

  14. 2300万的部份款项会被递延,但目前并不清楚是否150万的选择权会是其中一部份。

    Some of the $ 23 million is deferred , but it was not clear whether the $ 1.5 million buyout on the option would be part of that total .

  15. 不是因为像我这样的女孩或我们的学校,而是因为我们国家拥有超过两百枚核弹头,而他们很担心这些核弹头的控制权会落在谁的手上。

    Not because of girls like me and my school but because our country has more than 200 nuclear warheads and they were worried about who was going to control them .

  16. 与如何降低数据存储和数据处理的成本相比,用户更加关心数据的安全性和失去数据控制权会带来什么样的危害。

    Compared with reducing the cost of storage and processing of data , users are more concerned about the security of their data , and what kind of harm will be brought when losing data .

  17. 尽管云计算拥有诸多优点,许多公司和个人仍然不愿意将他们的业务或者数据迁移到云计算平台上来,因为他们担心失去对数据和设备的控制权会引发许多不可预测的安全问题。

    However , lots of companies and individuals are still reluctant to transfer their business or data to cloud in spite of the advantages brought by cloud computing , because they are afraid of the unpredictable security problems caused by the lost of the control of infrastructure and data .

  18. 一批其他特许权也会如此。

    A clutch of other concessions would also be looked at .

  19. 对保密性和隐私权又会有什么样的影响?

    What will be the impact on confidentiality and privacy ?

  20. 获取、维持以及执行控制权都会产生相应的成本。

    Obtaining 、 maintaining and executing the right of control all need cost .

  21. 我可能为这把居民权都会丢掉,你知道的。

    I 'm gonna lose my citizenship because of this , you know .

  22. 一个滥权者会得到严重的后果。

    An abuse of power can have serious results .

  23. 上海取得2010年世博会的主办权世博会与上海城市未来

    Expo 2010 and the Future of the Shanghai City

  24. 一家大型的重量级主权财富基金在董事会里拥有代表权,会让所有的股东从中受益。

    All shareholders would benefit from a large , important SWF in the boardroom .

  25. 他保证在资源分配和优先权方面会提供全面的支持。

    He promised full support both in supply of material and in obtaining necessary priorities .

  26. 现在尚不清楚的是这些特别提款权是否会从富裕的国家转向贫穷的国家。

    It is not clear whether this can be redirected from rich countries to poor ones .

  27. 但实际生活中,两种类型的环境权可能会发生冲突。

    But still , the two types of environmental rights may conflict each other in real life .

  28. 所有对债务与衍生品的求偿权都会在全球的帐务合并中被一一抵消,但资本却不会[3]。

    All debt and derivative claims are offset in global accounting consolidation , but capital is not .

  29. 回归正题,尽管,有些选择权还是会回到富国的中产阶级手上。

    Seriously , though , some of the choices do come back to individual middle-class citizens of richer countries .

  30. 丧失住房赎回权一般会降低整个地区的房屋价值,而房屋评估价值降低就意味着房产税减少。

    Foreclosures tend to depress housing values for entire neighborhoods , and lower assessed values mean lower tax receipts .