
quán néng
  • powers and functions
权能 [quán néng]
  • [powers and functions] 权力与职能

权能[quán néng]
  1. 中国集体土地所有权权能探析

    A Probe into Powers and Functions of the Collective Land Ownership in China

  2. 债权基本权能略论

    A General Analysis of the Basic Powers and Functions of Creditor 's Right

  3. 权能和威严为他所有,他在高天缔造和平

    Dominion and awesomeness are his who brings about harmony in his heavens .

  4. 一种面向J2EE应用的条件权能访问控制方法

    A Condition Capability-Based Access Control Method for the J2EE Applications

  5. 多策略适应的一种POSIX权能遗传算法

    Policy-adaptive capability inheritance algorithm consistent with POSIX standard

  6. 本系统使用并扩展了Linux权能机制,用于支持进程保护,保护进程不被非法杀死,并将进程隐藏,降低被攻击的可能性,具体是通过修改进程相关的系统调用实现的;

    Secondly , process protection module : it uses and extends the Linux capability mechanism to prevent process from being killed illegally and reduce the risk of being attacked by hiding key process .

  7. 本文提出一种新的权能管理模型(GYC模型),较好的解决了上述三个问题。

    This paper presents a new capability management model ( GYC model ) which solves the three questions simultaneously .

  8. 她还具有“隠化”和“显化”事物的权能。

    She also had the power to dematerialise and rematerialise things .

  9. 天上的权能已赐给了人。

    The power of heaven was to be at their disposal .

  10. 原来荣耀丶权能都是他的,直到永永远远。

    To him belong glory and dominion for ever and ever .

  11. 大学与政府权能关系的演变探究

    A Probe into the Evolutionary Power Relation Between Universities and Government

  12. 十字架就是征服撒但和罪恶的权能。

    The cross was the power that conquered Satan and sin .

  13. 在手段层面上,政府权能要做到公正;

    In method , government power & functions should ensure the justice ;

  14. 政府信息失真对政府权能的影响及其对策探析

    The Influence of Government Information Distortion on Government Capacity and its Countermeasures

  15. 界定林地产权权能的范围;

    Clearing the range of the function on the forestland property rights ;

  16. 我们赋予他们权能,就等于是造福今世后代。

    When we empower them , we benefit current and future generations .

  17. 相信神在祂所造的一切之上都有权能和智慧。

    Faith in God 's power and wisdom over all His creation .

  18. 完善配偶权的各项权能和完善我国配偶权的民事救济制度。

    Perfect the empowerment in spouse right and improve civil relief system .

  19. 司法解释权能的复位与宪法的实施

    Restoration of the Power of Judicial Interpretation and the Constitution 's Application

  20. 神的恩典与权能等着人向他祈求。

    The grace and power of God waited for man 's bidding .

  21. 政府权能道德的理论探源

    The Origin of the Morals of Governmental Power and Ability

  22. 分配权能对应与会计行为异化

    Matching of Allocation Power and Ability in Residual Claims and Accounting Behavior Alienation

  23. 让我们看看耶稣有怎样的权能。

    Yes , and Let 's just read how Jesus used His power .

  24. 本文结构如下:全文分为三篇:第一篇:我国传统司法解析&权能与文化。

    Part One : Analysis of Chinese traditional justice - power and culture .

  25. 11愿权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们。

    To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever . Amen .

  26. 神的威严和权能会不会使我们不能和祂保持亲密的关系呢?

    Does the sovereignty of God mean that we cannot know God intimately ?

  27. 在范围层面上,政府权能活动空间有限。

    On scope , the range of government power & functions should be limited .

  28. 安全操作系统中的权能管理模型

    Capability Management Model in Capability-Based Secure Operating Systems

  29. 量刑建议是行使公诉权权能的一项内容。

    Sentencing recommendation to exercise the power of prosecution power is a part of .

  30. 对矿业权权能的分析

    Further Analysis to the Function of Mining Right