
nà shuì
  • pay taxes;pay duty
纳税 [nà shuì]
  • [pay taxes] 交税

纳税[nà shuì]
  1. 他提议企业应该向联邦政府纳税。

    He proposes that businesses should pay taxes to the federal government

  2. 给国家纳税是天经地义的事。

    It 's only right and proper that we should pay taxes to the state .

  3. 这些措施将减轻小型企业的纳税负担。

    The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses .

  4. 从长远来看这项举措的结果就是要多纳税。

    This measure inevitably means higher taxes in the long run .

  5. 粗心大意的人在纳税方面很容易出错。

    Tax can be a minefield for the unwary .

  6. 收入低于一定数额者不必纳税。

    People who earn under a certain amount are not liable to pay tax .

  7. 现在纳税收入只有两个纳税档次:22%和40%。

    There are now only two tax brackets ─ 22 % and 40 % .

  8. 现在夫妻双方分别按各自的收入纳税。

    Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes

  9. 低于5万英镑的遣散费免于纳税。

    Redundancy payments are tax-free up to £ 50,000 .

  10. 他因为在纳税申报表上作假而被定罪。

    He was convicted of filing false income tax returns

  11. 抛开她的纳税义务不谈,女王一直无可指摘。

    The Queen remains above criticism , apart from the issue of her tax liability

  12. 他没有呈报1982年的纳税申报单。

    He failed to file tax returns for 1982

  13. 我们已经建立了人们纳税详情、抵押贷款以及人头税的档案。

    We already have files on people 's tax details , mortgages and poll tax

  14. 批评家指出王子的收入应该纳税。

    Critics point out that the prince , on his income , should be paying tax

  15. 超额纳税者申领退款可以从去年4月算起。

    Anyone who has overpaid tax will be able to backdate their claim to last April .

  16. 政府雇用税务稽查员做检查工作,以确保人们足额纳税。

    The Government employs tax inspectors to check up and make sure people pay all their tax .

  17. 没人喜欢纳税。

    No-one enjoys paying tax

  18. 今年联邦财政预算辩论中的一个重要问题就是:哪些人的纳税额应该提高?

    The burning question in this year 's debate over the federal budget is : whose taxes should be raised ?

  19. 他申报了新买的瑞士表并纳税5英镑。

    He declared his new Swiss watch and had to pay £ . 5 .

  20. 由于纳税的原因,我们不得不把那家公司合并了。

    We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons .

  21. 我知道你不纳税,但你是跑不掉的。

    I know you 're not paying your taxes but you won 't get away with it .

  22. 相比之下,丹麦的一项高脂肪食品税在执行一年后被废除,其间声称消费者们为了避免纳税,通过跨境去德国购买能够满足其需求且更便宜,脂肪含量更高的食品来避税。

    By contrast , a Danish tax on foods high in fats was abandoned a year after its introduction , amid claims that consumers were avoiding it by crossing the border to Germany to satisfy their desire for cheaper , fattier fare .

  23. 纳税者对最近的增加税收十分反感。

    The taxpayer are unfavourably disposed towards the recent tax increase .

  24. 每年税收员都等着我们纳税

    Every year the tax man expects us to fork up .

  25. 个人物品不用纳税。

    Your personal belongings are not dutiable .

  26. 市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的收入、存款、纳税数额等信息,但是明确告知提供该信息可能产生的不利后果并取得其书面同意的除外。

    Personal income , savings , and tax records are also protected from information harvesting unless the collectors informed the clients of possible consequence and sought their written permission .

  27. 第四章,公司税纳税义务确定对FDI的影响。

    The influence of corporation tax obligation on FDI .

  28. 通过判别分析方法和BP神经网络对训练样本和检验样本的分析,回判准确率较好,纳税评估指标具有可操作性。

    Through the approaches of discriminant analysis and BP neural network , the veracious ratio of the training and testing samples are preferable .

  29. 利用XML对网上纳税申报数据接口进行标准化,以XML语言来描述交换中的申报数据,来解决网上纳税申报过程中数据格式不统一问题。

    Used XML to standardize the data interface , and describes the declaration data by the XML , to solve the data format unification question in on-line tax declaration process .

  30. 而且,由于法律规定信托的受托人不作为一个独立的实体进行纳税,使得信托制SPV在税收成本方面也具有优势。

    Moreover , because the trust is not an independent entity to pay taxes , make trust advantaged in tax cost .