
  • 网络John Napier;Napiel
  1. 但是,保险赔偿金最终开始发放,基督城将会东山再起,纳皮尔就是明证。

    But the insurance money is beginning to flow at last . It will recover ; look at Napier .

  2. 24岁的王露(音译)是就读于英国爱丁堡纳皮尔大学商科与管理学专业的一名研究生。

    Wang Lu , 24 , is a postgraduate majoring in business & management studies at Edinburgh 's Napier University .

  3. 纳皮尔简化了计算工作,但手边必须有对数表手册才能进行计算。

    Napier had simplified computational tasks , but ready access to books of log tables was crucial to the procedure .