
  • 网络Bowen;Elizabeth Bowen;murray bowen
  1. 鲍恩上尉破例允许自己每天抽一支雪茄。

    Captain Bowen permitted himself one cigar a day

  2. 该校副校长汤姆•鲍恩(TomBowen)说,校长在课外的时候经常用汉语与学生交流,并希望他们同样用汉语回答。

    Tom Bowen , assistant principal , says the head-teacher often addresses pupils in Mandarin outside lessons and expects them to respond in kind .

  3. 与BBC美国主编乔恩?索佩尔(JonSopel)和中东主编杰里米?鲍恩(JeremyBowen)不同,格雷西的名字没有出现在去年年薪不低于15万英镑的BBC员工名单中,说明她作为中国主编得到的薪水要更低一些。

    Unlike Jon Sopel , the US editor , and Jeremy Bowen , the Middle East editor , Ms Gracie 's name does not appear on a list of BBC broadcasters who were paid at least £ 150000 last year , indicating she received a lower salary for her role as China editor .

  4. 从北部的冈尼达(Gunnedah)到南部的巴特曼斯(Batemans)湾,悉尼盆地是鲍恩冈尼达悉尼盆地系南端的一个次级盆地。

    Extending from the Gunnedah district in the north to the Batemans Bay in the south , the Sydney Basin is a sub-basin located in the southern part of the Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin System .

  5. 鲍恩在与主教练发生争执后辞去了俱乐部的职务。

    Bowen resigned from the club following a disagreement with the head coach .

  6. 我很多年没见鲍恩一家了

    I haven 't seen the Bowens in years .

  7. 鲍恩样丘疹病为外生殖器部位的多发扁平丘疹,组织病理为低度恶性原位癌表现。

    Bowenoid papulosis is a disease clinically manifested by multiple flat papules on external genitalia .

  8. 研究发现,人乳头瘤病毒与鲍恩样丘疹病关系密切。

    A close relationship between bowenoid papulosis and human papillomavirus has been implicated in researches .

  9. 鲍恩和哈勒尔已经找到了采石场工人的营地。

    Bown and Harrell have found the camp that housed workers at the stone pit .

  10. 鲍恩样丘疹病研究进展

    Advances in the Research of Bowenoid Papulosis

  11. 尖锐湿疣及鲍恩样丘疹病皮损中高危型人乳头瘤病毒感染与端粒酶表达的关系

    Relationship between high-risk HPV infection and expression of telomerase in condyloma acuminatum and bowenoid papulosis

  12. 鲍恩表示:许多贸易限制实际上发生在南南贸易中。

    A lot of trade restrictions are actually on south-south trade , Mr Bown said .

  13. 哈勒尔和鲍恩认为,旱季,装载到驳船上的石块

    Harrell and Bown believe that blocks were loaded onto barges during the dry season ,

  14. 鲍恩说,早期的探险者已经观测过这条路的一小段,

    Short segments of the road had been observed by earlier explorers , Bown said ,

  15. 季奚又去打猎了,两个年轻的猎人比恩和鲍恩在偷偷跟着他。

    On keesh 's next trip two young hunters , Bim and bawn , followed him .

  16. “鲍勃”抖抖胡须,抬起一只前爪,击向鲍恩伸出的手掌。

    Bob twitches his whiskers , raises a paw , and taps James 's outstretched hand .

  17. 出生在日本的妙用血液,鲍恩说是轻摆脱黑暗。

    Born of magical blood , Bowen is said to be the light to rid the darkness .

  18. 鲍恩和他的同事在该地区进行地质测绘时偶然发现了这条路。

    Bown and his colleagues stumbled across it while they were doing geological mapping in the region .

  19. 为了使他能够重新实行夜间换班制度,福力鲍恩需要20名以上三级女性工作人员,

    In order to enable him to start night shifts again Freeborn needs immediately about twenty more untrained Grade III women clerks .

  20. 银石赛道是内华达州的鲍恩机会,这是注册持牌,全资拥有的公司,并在库拉索监管。

    Silverstone is a wholly owned company of Bonne Chance NV , which is incorporated , licensed , and regulated in Curacao .

  21. 在治愈了骨头之后,我要带我的儿子去一个鲍恩法治疗学家那里,让他纠正身体上任何错位的地方。

    After the bones have healed I will be taking my son to a bowen therapist who will correct any misalignment in the body .

  22. “这是他具有直接控制权而且就在他手头的第一个决定,”鲍恩表示。

    " This is the first decision * That he has direct control over and is sitting in his lap , " Prof bown said .

  23. 一曲唱毕,鲍恩朝“鲍勃”弯下腰,说道:“过来,‘鲍勃’,击掌。”

    Every now and then , he stops playing and bends down to Bob . ' Come on , Bob , high-five ! " he says .

  24. 由于人员的缺乏以及过重的负担,福力鲍恩先生领导的何勒内斯部门注,在夜间已经无法工作。

    Owing to shortage of staff and the overworking of his present team the Hollerith section here under Mr Freeborn has had to stop working night shifts .

  25. 研究提示,鲍恩样丘疹病主要是由高危型人乳头瘤病毒感染引起,机体免疫系统改变对其有促进作用。

    As studies indicate , bowenoid papulosis is mainly triggered by high-risk types of human papillomavirus and the changes in host immune system may contribute to its development .

  26. 经验直到自我重复时才变得有意义,事实上,直到那时才算得上经验。(英国小说家鲍恩)

    Experience is not interesting till it begins to repeat itself , in fact , till it does that , it hardly is experience . ( Elizabeth Bowen , British novelist )

  27. 这位来自于温哥华附近鲍恩岛的家伙走了进来,说:“我想成立世界上最好的宠物健康保险公司。”

    So in walks this guy from Bowen Island , outside of Vancouver , and he says , " I want to have the best pet health insurance company in the world . "

  28. 鲍恩表示:如果总统接受这一案卷,那将真的对美国其它许多产业发出一个信号,表明这是它们或许能够利用的一种潜在机制。

    Mr Bown said : If the president accepts this case , that 's really sending a signal to a lot of other US industries that this is a potential mechanism they might use .