
  • 网络Devonport;Devenport;dpo
  1. 想到这里,法鲁克从一头怀卡托牛后腿那里取了一份极瘦的肉,加工成他所谓的“巧克力黄油”(我猜这是一种细腻的糊状物),并将它交给德文波特巧克力公司来制作糖果。

    So Farouk took a very lean cut from the hind quarter of a Waikato-raised bovine , turned into what he calls " chocolate butter , " which I assume is a sort of fine paste , and handed it over to Devonport Chocolates to use in their confectionery .

  2. 牛肉巧克力一开始只是一次疯狂的试验,但是它的发明者现在想要对它进行商业推广。“德文波特对此非常兴奋,很有可能我们还会和他们合作,把牛肉巧克力推向市场,”他对新闻网Stuff.co.nz说道。

    Beef chocolate started out as a crazy experiment , but its creator now wants to make it commercially viable . " Devonport are very excited about it and it 's highly likely that we 'll partner with them and try to get it into the market , " he told Stuff.co.nz .