
  • 网络DANA
  1. 21的科比和18岁的瓦妮莎于2001年在加州的德纳角结婚。据报道他们并没有签订婚前协议。

    Kobe married Vanessa in 2001 at Dana Point , California , when he was 21 and she was 18 , and reportedly without a prenuptial agreement .

  2. 一位有马尾辫的奥地利人杰伊戈尔德纳,他的大胆陈述赢得有吹口哨声的全场起立鼓掌,认为他知道。

    Jay Goldner , a jolly Austrian with a ponytail , whose bravura presentation wins a standing ovation with wolf whistles , thinks he does .

  3. 商业护照生产设计商德纳罗公司(DeLaRue)表示该公司已经制造了2800万本新护照。

    Commercial passport producer and designer De La Rue says it has already made 28 million of the new documents .

  4. 联合开发mRNA疫苗的一家公司的创始人表示,第一阶段和第二阶段的试验表明,其可以与使用相同技术的辉瑞和莫德纳疫苗相媲美。

    The founder of one of the companies that jointly developed the mRNA vaccine says phase I and II trials show it the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines which used the same technology .

  5. 考古学家阿尔蒙德纳·加西亚-卢比奥(AlmudenaGarcía-Rubio)说,“没有确凿的基因证据,”尽管他们已经做过DNA检测。

    Almudena Garc í a-Rubio , an archaeologist , said that there was " no confirmed genetic identification , " although DNA tests were being performed .

  6. 的确,唯一流动性较高的群体是低技能的西语裔墨西哥人:正如经济学家布莱恩.卡德纳(BrianCadena)和布莱恩.科瓦克(BrianKovak)所指出的那样,大量在墨西哥出生的移民仍在搬家找工作。

    Indeed , the only highly mobile group are low-skilled Mexican Hispanics : as economists Brian Cadena and Brian Kovak show , Mexican-born immigrants are still moving to find work in big numbers .

  7. 安全行业前高管、现为Greylock风险投资家的阿西姆?钱德纳(AsheemChandna)表示,在邮件投递之前,分离可疑的邮件附件,放在隔离的“沙盒”中测试,有望过滤掉大量此类恶意软件的威胁,而且几乎是实时的。

    Pulling suspicious-looking email attachments and testing them in ringfenced " sandboxes " before allowing them to be delivered offers the promise of filtering out many of these malware threats , almost in real time , according to Asheem Chandna , a former security industry executive and now venture capital investor at Greylock .

  8. 那确是芳汀的签字。德纳第也认清了。

    It certainly was Fantine 's signature ; Thenardier recognized it .

  9. 这是莫德纳和辉瑞公司的疫苗数据总和。

    The tally is for both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines .

  10. 难道德纳第太太家里没有女用人吗?

    Is there no servant in Madame Thenardier 's house ?

  11. 他在那里见到了德纳第并追踪他。

    There he had caught sight of Thenardier and had followed him .

  12. 据德纳第推测,“是个同坐苦役牢的伙伴了”。

    Translation by Thenardier : A comrade of the galleys .

  13. 德纳第大娘说,“难道先生就要离开我们这里吗?”

    Said Madame Thenardier ;" is Monsieur leaving us already ?"

  14. “那是我的丈夫。”德纳第妈妈说。

    " That is my husband ," said the Thenardier .

  15. “给过了,早给过了。”德纳第大娘说。

    " Yes , it has ," said Madame Thenardier .

  16. 她买一条绒线编织的裙,寄给了德纳第。

    She purchased a knitted petticoat and sent it to the Thenardiers .

  17. 你带了铁栏门的钥匙吧,德纳第?

    Have you the key to the gate , Thenardier ?

  18. 德纳第认为那人和珂赛特都坐在那里。

    Thenardier recognized the fact that the man and Cosette were sitting there .

  19. 德纳第,和所有的大艺术家一样,并不感到满意。

    Like all great artists , Thenardier was dissatisfied .

  20. 德纳第大娘,一声不响,把那账单递给他。

    The Thenardier silently handed him the folded bill .

  21. 我们干的这种事,德纳第先生,你说说,是允许的吗?

    Tell me , Monsieur Thenardier , is what we have done permissible ?

  22. 结果她在德纳第大娘的面前退缩了。

    It was before the Thenardier that she recoiled .

  23. 莫德纳疫苗对冠状病毒有类似的保护效果,有效率为94%。

    Moderna shot shown similar protection with 94 percent effectiveness against the coronavirus .

  24. 我就要把她的肖像画成亚里亚德纳了。

    I 'll put her likeness into Ariadne .

  25. 莫德纳公司的第二种疫苗预计将于明年1月初获批。

    A second vaccine by Moderna is expected to be approved in early January .

  26. 德纳第夫妇在她的记忆中好象是梦里见过的两张鬼脸。

    The Thenardiers had remained with her as two hideous figures in a dream .

  27. 德纳第越是话多,冉阿让也就越缄默。德纳第又摇摇他的肩膀。

    Again Thenardier shook him by the shoulder .

  28. 他并对德纳第怀着感激的心情。

    And he felt grateful to the Thenardiers .

  29. 德纳第伸长了下唇,意味深长地扭了一下脖子。

    Thenardier thrust out his lower lip with a significant twist of the neck .

  30. 这是鲁德纳的铁路交汇处。

    Here is the railroad junction at rudna .