
fěi bāng
  • bandit gang
匪帮 [fěi bāng]
  • [bandit gang] 盗匪集团

匪帮[fěi bāng]
  1. 不合理的婚姻结构与法制体系,使得匪帮成为逃避社会不公的理想归宿,充足的武器来源使得山东匪帮战斗力极强且不易剿灭。

    Unreasonable marriage structure and legal system make the bandit gang become ideal home that people escape the unjust society ;

  2. 他的家人遭到了匪帮的恐怖袭击。

    His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang

  3. 这个镇从前常遭到匪帮的骚扰。

    The town used to be infested with bandits in the old days .

  4. 猖獗一时的匪帮,曾几何时,遭到了彻底覆灭。

    The gang was on the rampage for a time , but before long it was completely overthrown .

  5. 有人将不断壮大的YC毕业生关系网称为“YC匪帮”。

    Some refer to its growing network of graduates as the YC mafia .

  6. Jay-Z在1999年的匪帮歌曲《SoGhetto》中唱道:我从没学过游泳。

    I never learnt to swim , the rapper revealed in his 1999 gangster anthem So Ghetto .

  7. 市北部的地区的匪帮没有参与谋杀卡荷尔。

    No north inner-city gang was involved in Cahill 's murder .

  8. 中国甚至还有人为它写了一首匪帮说唱风格的粉丝之歌。

    It has inspired a gangsta rap fan song in China .

  9. 蒋介石供认了匪帮们的整个计划。

    Chiang Kai-shek has confessed the gang 's whole plot .

  10. 这一事件暴露了那个匪帮的秘密。

    The incident stripped the secrecy from the gang .

  11. 监狱里头的时候我好歹也是监狱匪帮头头。

    I ran an entire prison gang syndicate .

  12. 赛斯麦克法兰:艾玛斯通是新电影《匪帮传奇》的主角。

    Seth MacFarlane : Emma Stone is the star of the new film Gangster Squad .

  13. 他是哪个匪帮的人?

    Whose mob is he with ?

  14. 他是个匪帮,却想让你当英雄。

    He was in the mob , but yet he wanted you to be a hero .

  15. 去年五月,他在长岛指挥了一次追踪匪帮的行动,

    Last May , he commanded an operation to track down gang members on Long Island .

  16. 那些日子里镇上所有的人都在谈论那个臭名昭著的凶手及其匪帮。

    Those days everyone in the town was talking about the notorious murderer and his gang .

  17. 在过去的匪帮电影里,人们常常看到一个大佬搭搂着一个女人。

    In old gangster movies there was always a dame swinging off the arm of the tough guy .

  18. 强盗,土匪强盗或土匪,尤指违法的匪帮

    A robber or bandit , especially one of an outlaw band . The gang leader be shop by one of the robber

  19. 一年后,巴顿指挥他的巡逻队在对弗兰西斯科的别墅击毙了墨西哥匪帮的一位助手。

    A year later , he accompanied Pershing as an aide on his expedition against Francisco " Pancho " Villa into Mexico .

  20. 在埃及北部西乃山区的一次持械匪帮袭击后,一条从埃及输往以色列和约旦的燃气管道爆炸。

    A pipeline carrying gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan has exploded after an attack by an armed gang in the north Sinai area of Egypt .

  21. 我无法想象害羞、勤奋、和善的乔凡尼,在少年时代属于这个——我用这词儿可一点也不夸张——匪帮。

    I cannot imagine shy , studious , sympathetic Giovanni as a young boy amongst this - and I don 't use the word lightly - mob .

  22. 恐怖模仿类电影《鬼屋大电影》以1880万美元票房排名第二,匪徒类电影《匪帮传奇》以1670万美元的票房位居第三。

    Horror parody " A Haunted House " debuted in second place with $ 18.8 million , while mobster drama " Gangster Squad " opened third with $ 16.7 million .

  23. 我们有时能从一张出场人物表去猜测一个剧本,同样,我们也几乎可以从一张匪徒的名单去估计这匪帮。

    A piece can sometimes be divined on the enunciation of the personages ; in the same manner a band can almost be judged from the list of ruffians composing it .

  24. 他表示,受骚乱袭击的工商企业将获得帮助以继续经营下去,他还承诺就打击街头匪帮寻求美国的帮助,他认为街头匪帮帮助引发了英国骚乱。

    He said riot-hit businesses would receive help to get back on their feet , and promised to look to the United States for help in fighting the street gangs he blamed for helping spark Britain 's riots .

  25. 之前我问他对自己的音乐怎么看,他的音乐和最残酷的死亡金属与匪帮说唱一样有画面感,但却和死亡金属之类音乐不同,在女人当中拥有大量热情的拥趸。

    I had asked why he thought his music , which can be as graphic as the most brutal death metal or gangsta rap , has always found , in marked contrast to , say , death metal , such a wide and passionate following among women .
