
  1. 据报道,巴提在20世纪90年代曾在杰克逊的梦幻农庄和他共度了一段时光,还被人称为“小迈克尔”。

    Bhatti reportedly spent time with Jackson at his Neverland Valley Ranch in the1990s and was known as " Little Michael " .

  2. 本月早些时候在杰克逊的公众追悼会上,当25岁的欧默•巴提被看到和杰克逊的直系亲属坐在一起时,他立刻引起了人们的兴趣。

    Omer Bhatti , 25 , sparked interest when he was spotted sitting with the singer 's immediate family at Jackson 's public memorial earlier this month .

  3. “他们之间有父子般的感情,”26岁的哈娄告诉名人网站People.com,“但是我从来不认为他是巴提的生父。”

    " They had a father-and-son type of connection ," Harlow , 26 , told People ," but I never thought he ( Jackson ) was his biological father . "