
  • 网络DARU
  1. 该区域其他获此认证的国家包括澳大利亚(1981年获认证)、新加坡(1982年获认证)和文莱达鲁萨兰国(1987年获认证)。

    Other countries in the region that have achieved this status include Australia ( 1981 ) , Singapore ( 1982 ) and Brunei Darussalam ( 1987 ) .

  2. 阿DARULAMAN验收仪式的前一天,第三类的船舶莱达鲁萨兰国,是第一次推出标志着船在水中铺设到。

    A day before the Acceptance Ceremony , the third Darussalam Class ship , DARULAMAN was launched marking the first time the ship was laid into the water .

  3. 在登陆瓜达鲁佩岛后,

    After coming ashore on the island of Guadaloupe ,

  4. 这是一部表现许多东西的电影,但就是没有安达鲁狗。

    So it is with Quentin Tarantino 's first film , Reservoir Dogs .

  5. 这些矛兵来自阿拉伯安达鲁斯王国的富庶城邑,在军中充任防御部队。

    Recruited from the wealthy Arabs settled in the vribrant land of al-Andalus , these men make for great defensive infantry .

  6. 今天我们所在的文莱达鲁萨兰国,意为和平之邦,希望和平之光永远普照东亚大地,让东亚永享稳定和安宁。

    The country we are meeting in , Brunei Darussalam , means abode of peace . I hope that the light of peace will be forever upon East Asia and that stability and tranquility will always prevail in the region .