
quán móu
  • Machiavellian;trickery;tactics;(political) tactics
权谋 [quán móu]
  • [(political) tactics] 权变的谋略

  • 上好权谋,则臣下百吏诞诈之人乘是而后欺。--《荀子.君道》

权谋[quán móu]
  1. 企业管理一定是建立在制度的安排上,而不是建立在权谋上。

    Enterprise management will always be built on the basis of system arrangement but not tactics .

  2. 以权谋公而不能谋私。

    Government power can only be used for public good not for personal gains .

  3. Mac的发展一直处在企业权谋争斗的背景之下

    The development of the Mac is surrounded by corporate intrigue .

  4. 那些愿意匿名评论他的人,都把焦点放在了他权谋政治家的一面,无一例外。

    Those willing to comment anonymously invariably focus on his Machiavellian side .

  5. 《雍正皇帝》中的权谋文化胎记

    The Machiavellian Culture Birthmark of Emperor Yong ZHeng

  6. 这就形成了权谋文化的虚伪性。

    This forms the hypocrisy of Machiavellian culture .

  7. 他与政府大臣们打交道时所施展的权谋术一直受到全世界的关注。

    His Machiavellian methods of dealing with government ministers have been followed the world over .

  8. 对这种环境的分析,可以找到权谋文化赖以存在的文化合理性。

    Through analyzing the cultural context , we can find the cultural rationality of Machiavellian culture .

  9. 当然不是你,权谋的第一法则对不对?

    Nor should you . that 's the first rule of politics , isn 't it ?

  10. 但是,历史影视剧乐道于宫廷斗争和皇权至上并有意无意地张扬权谋文化,同样带来了一些社会的负面效应,造成当代影视文化的价值迷失。

    But they enjoy propagandizing the culture of political tactics , and cause the bad effect on the society .

  11. 他在通往皇权之路上,虽不乏“篡”的意味,但更多的是利用权谋登上九五之尊。

    Along his road to the emper , political trickery played a central part in addition to resorting a little force .

  12. 尽管物质能力下降,但拜占庭仍延续了数百年,不是依靠的武力,而是精明的外交与权谋。

    The Byzantines lasted for many centuries beyond their material capability , through shrewd diplomacy and deception rather than by force .

  13. 目前的研究也多倾向于将其仅仅归结为政治权力与军事权谋的运作过程。

    And present research , for the most part , tends to consider it as a process of political and military struggle .

  14. 然而在他们欣赏这部权谋大戏的时候却没有看到,屏幕后面也在上演着同样紧张激烈的“剧情”。

    But there 's one thing they didn 't see amid all the intrigue onscreen : the equally tense drama behind it .

  15. 伊朗坚持说,它的核项目完全用于和平目的,伊朗有权谋求浓缩铀的能力。

    Iran has insisted that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful and that it has a right to pursue an enrichment capability .

  16. 论文由以下三部分构成:第一部分:中国权谋文化的统治地位及其文化合理性。

    The thesis is made up of three parts : The first part demonstrates the dominant position of Machiavellian culture and its cultural rationality .

  17. 这样一位满身浪漫情怀和名士派头的诗人,具备政治家必需的权谋、耐心、沉稳和圆通吗?

    Covered such a romantic manner and the famous poet , a politician with the necessary political , patience , calm and Yuantong it ?

  18. 但是,“真实性”倡导者与以往政治权谋大师之间的分歧并没有前者宣称的那么大。

    But the gulf between the apostles of authenticity and the past masters of political intrigue is not as great as the first group claims .

  19. 中国的权谋文化有个主要特点,就是这种权谋文化不是直接表露出来的,而是由一种非权谋的制度从外面伪装起来的。

    The Chinese Machiavellian culture has one main feature . Often Machiavellian culture is disguised by a non-tactical system from the outside rather than exposed directly .

  20. 科学家们对100名受试者进行了性格测试以评估他们的黑暗性格,即权谋主义、自恋和精神病态。

    Scientists gave personality tests to more than 100 subjects to rate them for what 's called Dark Triad trait - that 's Machiavellianism , narcissism and psychopathy .

  21. 港产肥皂剧《金枝欲孽》权谋斗争的内在逻辑吸引了职场女性的关注,并将这部后宫女人戏解读为“办公室政治教科书”。

    The internal logic of power struggle in Hongkong soap opera War and Beauty has attracted many office ladies'attentions , and it is even treated as their political textbook in office .

  22. 在这一部分里,本文从分析古代中国思想家的治国论入手,深入地挖掘权谋文化虚伪性产生的原因,过程及作用。

    In this part , the thesis probes deep into the reasons , processes and functions of the production of such hypocrisy through analyzing different views on running a country by several ancient Chinese thinkers .

  23. 作为整个东亚世界外交角逐与权谋较量的一部分,高句丽与北魏的外交关系即便在最稳定的时期也充满了变数。

    As a part of the diplomatic rivalry and conspiracy trial in East Asian world , the diplomatic relationship between Northern Wei and Korea was full of variables even in the most stable period . 4 .

  24. 不仅使身份权理论的传承找到了依据,也为基于血缘和姻亲的身份权谋求到了新的制度位置。

    Not only the spread of rights of status theories accept the basis , but also this makes the new system position according to the right of status of the blood relationship and kin by marriage .

  25. 在股权相对集中的公司中,最主要的代理问题已经不是股东与管理者之间的利益冲突问题,而是控股股东利用其所掌握的控制权谋取私有收益,实现对中小股东的利益侵占问题。

    In the companies with quite concentrated ownership , the main agency issue is no longer the conflict between shareholders and managers , but the controlling holders occupy the interest of minority shareholders and uptake the private benefits by the control right .

  26. 但同时,他们却被普遍地误读:大众感兴趣的不是他们对历史、人生等终极问题的思索,而是对历史隐秘与权谋斗争的窥探。

    While they are widely misread : the public concentrated their eyes on the historical secrets and the tussle of power and tricks , but not the ultimate probation on history and life , on which they had spent most of their energy and heart .

  27. 在民国初年,暗杀失去了公理的制约,完全蜕变为政治权谋的工具,对民初的政治及以后的历史都产生了深远的影响。

    In the early years of the republic , the assassination lose the constraints of the " axiom ", Completely become a tool for political expediency , and also has a profound impact for the political in the early years of the republic and the after history .