
lèi shū
  • encyclopedia;reference books with material taken from various sources and arranged according to subjects
类书 [lèi shū]
  • [encylopaedia;reference books with material taken from various sources and arranged according to subjects] 我国古代一种大型的资料性书籍,辑录各种书中的材料,按门类、字韵等编排,以备查检,例如《太平御览》《古今图书集成》

类书[lèi shū]
  1. 这类书大多枯燥无味。

    Most of these books are humorless .

  2. 这两类书提供了在重要的OMG的标准以及这些标准之间的关系和支持MDA的实践中的有限的观点上提供了看法。

    Both classes of books offer perspectives on the key OMG standards and their relationships , supported with limited insights into MDA in practice .

  3. 我没有刻意避免阅读任何体裁的书,但我不大会浏览《美食、祈祷和恋爱》(Eat,Pray,Love)或与宠物生活的回忆录这类书。

    I don 't consciously avoid any genres , but it is unlikely you would find me lingering in the section where they keep books like " Eat , Pray , Love " or memoirs of life with a pet .

  4. 这类书很受年轻人欢迎。

    This kind of books is very popular with young people .

  5. 类书编纂与章回小说的标目

    Compilation of Encyclopedias and Couplet Chapter Headings of Traditional Chinese Novels

  6. 在美国,这类书没有应有的销路;

    In America there is no sale for such things ;

  7. 都是些无聊的东西,因为她就看这类书。

    They 'll be trash , because that 's all she reads .

  8. 古代学者颜之推的类书编撰及文化学术传播活动

    Books Compilation and Culture Dissemination of the Ancient Scholar-Yan Zhi-tui

  9. 那些不是我爱读的那一类书。

    They weren 't the kind of books I care to read .

  10. 这类书可能会增长你有关欧洲历史的知识。

    Such books are likely to advance your knowledge of European history .

  11. 我对读这类书感到厌倦。

    I am tired of reading this kind of books .

  12. 你在找哪类书?

    What kinds of books are you looking for ?

  13. 听着人们要看这类书他们需要这个

    Look , people want this kind of book . They need it .

  14. 类书及其分类思想溯源

    The tracing to the source of the category book and the classification ideas

  15. 我国古代的书目和类书编制

    Bibliography and classified books in ancient Ch in a

  16. 很难知道这类书归在哪儿合适。

    It 's difficult to know where books of this kind fit in .

  17. 我想他不会对这一类书感兴趣。

    I don 't think he will be interested in this sort of book .

  18. 或者换个说法,该类书的出版商终归何处?

    Or rather , whither wine book publishers ?

  19. 这类书现在很少有人读了。

    Such books are little read nowadays .

  20. 类书与文言小说总集的编纂

    Encyclopedia and the Compilation of Classical Stories

  21. 书名是这类书受到读者以及出版商欢迎的关键所在。

    The title is key to the appeal of these books to readers and publishers .

  22. 也有分类编辑,依颊编排,有点像类书。

    Category editor , according to class choreography , a bit like a class book .

  23. 剖析类书的原始功能与衍生功能;

    Analysing the primary and evolvable functions ;

  24. 对类书起源进行多角度追溯;

    Tracing the origin from many aspects ;

  25. 这类书不多见。

    These kind of books are rare .

  26. 此种杂字书实可与《万宝全书》类的民间日用类书接轨;

    The sort of Tsa Tzu books could be connected to general people 's daily life .

  27. 类书分类体系的发展演变

    The Development of Encyclopedia Classification System

  28. 类书的类型与归类

    The Category and Classification of Encyclopedia

  29. 这是我今年看过的非小说类书中最引人入胜的一本。

    It is a page-turner and is the most attractive non-fiction book I 've read this year .

  30. 搜集类书资料,进行全面比对研究,向为文献学者之梦想。

    The complete collection of leishu for exhaustive study has always been of interest to many scholars .