
fǎ rén shí zài shuō
  • reality theory
  1. 在承认公司法人独立人格的情形,应在法人拟制说和法人实在说之间妥协,即:在公司对外关系上坚持法人实在说,而在公司与公司代表之内部关系上法人拟制说更合理。

    Ln the side of the independent corporate personality , fiction theory and reality theory should compromise in real life , that is to say , the corporate persevere reality theory should compromise in the external relationship and fiction theory between corporate and its representative .

  2. 近代以降,在欧洲哲学观念影响下,在德国形成了法人的观念,但是同时也对法人进行了多种理论解说,包括法人拟制说、法人实在说等。

    Since the modern time , under the influence of the philosophy of Europe , the legal person took shape in Germany . At the same time , different interpretations , including fictions theory , reality theory , were formed .

  3. 大陆法系国家和地区多主张法人实在说,因此在法律上都明确规定公司代表人制度。

    Civil law countries and regions more advocate body really said , and in law are expressly provided for in the company representative system .

  4. 我国之所以采不同于国外的个人无限责任,而采连带责任,在一定程度上是由于受到法人实在说的影响较大,不轻易无视公司的独立人格。

    The reason why our country uses joint liability instead of personal unlimited liability is due to the impact of the theory of real juristic person , which does not ignore the independent personality of the corporate .