
fǎ shì
  • ritual;Buddhist/Taoist mass;religious services or rituals
法事 [fǎ shì]
  • [religious ceremonies] 指天主教的宗教仪式,也指僧道拜忏、打醮等事

  1. 金治城去做法事的时候发现的。

    KLM chi-seong discovered it when he went to perform rites .

  2. 梯玛法事活动中生存崇拜实则是梯玛崇拜。

    Actually the survival worship is Tima Worship in his activities of witchcraft .

  3. 含有祭祀法事因素的‘戏剧’阶段。

    The stage of play with sacrificial factors ;

  4. 国际贸易法事项常设小组委员会

    Standing Sub-Committee on International Trade Law Matters

  5. 他不是老板,他只是雇来干非法事的人。

    He 's not the boss , he 's just a hireling employed to do the dirty work .

  6. 但道教、佛教兴起后,在他们的法事活动中,也吸收了不少本土的古代舞蹈。

    But after Taoism and Bud-dhism thrived , they also assimilated many local ancient dances into their religious activities .

  7. 除行像外,当时寺庙中还有在各种法事、斋日活动中表演的乐舞。

    Except for " Xingxiang ", the temples also gave music and dance performances in various rituals and fasts .

  8. 殷为驴子的灵魂念经,还做法事减轻它的痛苦。

    Yin recited sutras for the dead donkey 's soul , and performed ceremonies to release it from its suffering .

  9. 而宗教的临终法事及终后法事皆藉此理论而建立。

    So the religious practice on the deathbed person and after the death is based on the theory of the religious life .

  10. 基于程序法事实的证明目的与诉讼效率的应对,程序法事实在证明方法上与实体法事实有着根本的不同。

    Based on the purpose of proof and efficiency , the proof method of procedural facts is different from the substantive facts .

  11. 每集节目都会去世界各地猛鬼的地方进行一些灵异测试及招魂法事。

    Each program will be to take a ghost around the world where some test and call back the soul of supernatural ceremonies .

  12. 然而,法国的影响支配着这个城市,特别是在教学法事和狂欢节的庆祝活动中。

    French influence continued to dominate the city , however , especially in the Vieux Carr é and in the celebration of Mardi Gras .

  13. 他说:经常会有和尚在我们的地皮上做一些法事。我们不迷信,但(那些农民)迷信。

    Often there were Buddhist priests on our site performing ceremonies . We 're not superstitious , but [ the farmers ] are , he says .

  14. 南宋前期州县税赋安全考述&以《庆元条法事类》为中心

    The Study on the Safety of the Revenue of the State and County in South Song Dynasty & Respect on QING YUAN TIAO FA SHI LEI

  15. 因为区域文化背景的差异,不同于其他.地方和尚、道士等主导的法事道场,念佛老太有其自身的行为准则。

    Because of the regional cultural background differences , unlike other parts of monks , priests taking charge of ceremonies , buddha granny has her own conduct and criterion .

  16. 守丧期的长短取决于死者家庭的贫富,但至少要有一天时间来作法事。

    The length of the wake depends upon the financial resources of the family , but is at least a day to allow time for prayers to be offered .

  17. 法是个具有多重意义的词:它可以指宗教仪式上法师所履行的神奇有效的法事(这些法师现在统称道士);

    Fa is a wonderfully multivalent word : it refers to the capacity of ritual performed by experts to be magically effective – these ritual experts are lumped together now as Daoists ;

  18. 松本圭介认为,寺庙固守提供殡仪服务和做其他法事的传统职能,未能履行它们服务于当代社会精神需求的使命。

    He believed that temples had become ossified in their traditional role of performing funeral services and other rituals and were failing to fulfil their mission of serving the spiritual needs of contemporary society .

  19. 道教法事音乐与湖南和广西渔鼓、《孟姜女》拥有的共同内核,它们是近亲乐族。

    Taoism funeral music has a common core with " Yugu " in Guangxi and Hunan province , and with the ditty song of " Mengjiangnu " . They belong to the same music tribe .

  20. 作者在长期田野调查的基础上,描述了凉山彝族嫫尼成巫的原因和条件,她们从事的法事活动,她们的生存现状,以及嫫尼在彝族社会中的地位。

    At the basis of her fieldwork , the author narrates the causes and conditions in which they become moni , their practice and life , as well as their position in the Yi community .