
  • 网络law enforcement;legal enforcement
  1. 然而,EES也提供一个法律执行获取范围(LEAF)。

    However , EES also provides a Law Enforcement Access Field ( LEAF ) .

  2. JanineDriver过去曾是一位喜剧表演者和联邦法律执行调查员。她将自己人生这两种经历结合在一起使自己成为了一名肢体语言大师。

    This is Janine Driver , a former stand-up comedian and federal law enforcement investigator who blended those two life experiences to make herself into a body language guru .

  3. 不直到FBI,然后称调查局,在健美和克莱德变得介入案件做了法律执行官员发展。

    Not until the FBI , then called the Bureau of Investigation , became involved in the case did law-enforcement officials gain ground on Bonnie and Clyde .

  4. 我们使用了Encase软件,它被法律执行专业人员广泛地使用,收集驱动器镜像。

    We used Encase software , which is used extensively by law enforcement professionals , to gather a mirrored image of the drive .

  5. 联邦调查局的法律执行特派员。

    A special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation .

  6. 所有这一切均是依据法律执行的。

    Everything have is do in accordance with the rules .

  7. 注:卫星是不被法律执行机构所有。

    NB : The satellites are not available to law enforcement agencies .

  8. 有些人是法律执行的对象,或者打算逃税。

    Some are in trouble with law enforcement or want to avoid taxes .

  9. 法律执行官总是按常规行事。

    Law enforcement officers always go by the book .

  10. 通过以上建议达到提高食品安全监管法律执行效能的目的。

    Through the above suggestions to improve food safety monitoring performance objective laws .

  11. 第三部分是国外提高食品安全监管法律执行效能的经验。

    The third part is foreign enhance food safety supervision legal performance experience .

  12. 改革家们呼吁撤消阻碍法律执行的条令。

    Reformers are calling for a rollback of rules that hinder law enforcement .

  13. 美国财政部的法律执行特派员。

    A special law-enforcement agent of the US Treasury .

  14. 他们联系了他们的法律执行部门。

    And they contacted their law enforcement agencies .

  15. 让法律执行它那一套?

    Let the legal system run its course ?

  16. 定义:合同是指有法律执行力的协议。

    A.definition : a " contract " is an agreement that the law will enforce .

  17. 我们这里的法律执行很快。

    Our law is speedy here .

  18. 各种契约都由法律执行。

    Contracts are enforceable by law .

  19. 部长们可能担心地方上对警察的控制会导致法律执行中的民粹主义。

    Ministers may fear that local control of the police would lead to populist law enforcement .

  20. 倘若被诉至法院,分析师怀疑这些协议是否真的具有法律执行力。

    In the event of a lawsuit , analysts doubt the contractual powers would be enforceable .

  21. 法律执行可分为公共执法和私人执法。

    The enforcement of the law can be divided into the public enforcement and the private enforcement .

  22. 全球的法律执行官们对违禁药品的生产的增加越来越担忧。

    The increase in production is a growing concern to law and enforcement official around the world .

  23. 国会中的民主党人正在用他们的权力做一切可以破坏移民法律执行并鼓励非法移民的事情。

    Democrats in Congress are doing everything in their power to undermine immigration enforcement and encourage illegal immigration .

  24. 他在他哥哥约翰肯尼迪手下作司法部长,国家最高法律执行官。

    He had served his brother John as attorney general , the nation 's top law enforcement official .

  25. 你可能很适合在法律执行、事、业机械或环境保护方面工作。

    You may be well suited to work in law enforcement , the military , industrial engineering , or conservation .

  26. 处理冷却液添加剂、冷却液和清洗剂时,必须根据各自适用的国家法律执行。

    Coolant additives , coolants and cleaning agents must be disposed of according to the respective , applicable national laws .

  27. 职工的劳动和社会保险事宜按照相关法律执行。

    Labour and social insurance for the Working Personnel of the Company shall be handled in accordance with Applicable Laws .

  28. 而后,利用法院颁发的保证书,法律执行机构能够从保管代理那里得到密钥,对可疑报文进行解密。

    With a court-issued warrant law enforcement agencies could then get the keys from the escrow agents to decrypt suspect messages .

  29. 尽管中国的劳动法基本上是支持工人的,但在实践中,违法行为随处可见,法律执行力度有限。

    Although labour laws in China are largely sympathetic to workers , in practice violations are widespread and enforcement is limited .

  30. 目前修改的内容包括确立无罪推定原则,改革强制措施、加强律师功能、完善证据制度以及强化法律执行的保障程序等。

    Reforming compulsory measures ; enforcing lawyers ' function ; perfecting evidence system and strengthening the guarantee procedure of law enforcement , etc.