
Europeans and Americans do eat much more per head than the Chinese or Indians .
But they also said that rising consumption in emerging countries and what the World Bank described as a sense of complacency towards agricultural investment over the past two decades were part of the problem .
Among rural residents of Kaixian county , the per capita food consumption was 268 g per day , and the consumption of foodstuff was obviously decreased , but those of meet and grease food showed an ascending trend .
Food consumption in Asia is booming as the emerging middle class of China , India and other regional nations demand a bigger and richer diet , shifting away from rice and other traditional staples into meat , dairy products and processed food .
Grain for fodder and industrial uses have increased steadily and the ratios account to the total grain consumption have also increased in China .
With the increase of population , and the development of livestock and food industry , it is irreversible that grain consumption will be increased .
Since 2004 , China has had abundant cereals harvests for six consecutive years . Along with output climbing , food consumption has continued to grow in a tight food supply and demand balance .
The results of this study show that the yield of main crops is increasing to a small extent , the total amount of food production manifests no obvious increase , the expense on food by people is closely related to the income of people .
And the total scale of national grain reserve has reached 16 % of the total national grain consumption each year .