
  • 网络Xianghe;perfume river;Song Huong;Huong River
  1. 张渤构造带中东段二维P波速度结构安新香河宽城剖面

    2-D P-wave velocity structure in the Mideast segment of Zhangjiakou-Bohai tectonic zone : anxin-xianghe-kuancheng DSS profile

  2. 吐丝后物质积累量与籽粒产量呈高度性线相关,在香河和北京两个试点r分别达到0.9155和0.9181;

    The biomass after silking was significantly positive correlated with the grain yield and the correlation coefficients were 0.9155 and 0.9181 respectively .

  3. 最后对北京附近香河地区的SSA进行了反演和分析。

    The SSA in Xianghe were retrieved and analyzed .

  4. 北京和香河两地气溶胶光学厚度、Angstrom指数和尺度谱基本相似,说明华北地区人为排放与沙尘活动类似,也表现出区域尺度的特点。

    Aerosol optical depth and Angstrom parameter in BJ and XH showed close relation , which indicated the regional anthropogenic influence on atmospheric environment .

  5. 检验结果表明:本算法反演的结果与太湖、香河两站点的太阳光度计观测结果一致性较好,反演精度高于MODIS气溶胶现行算法,反演结果合理。

    The results showed that this algorithm inversion results have good consistency with the sun photometer observational results at Taihu and Xianghe . The inversion algorithm is more accurate than the current MODIS aerosol algorithm and its inversion results are reasonable .

  6. 香河大气综合观测站太阳辐射观测研究

    Analysis of Solar Radiation Measurement Data at Xianghe Atmospheric Observation Station

  7. 项目内容:拟建在香河开发区。

    Project Content : the proposed development zones in Xianghe .

  8. 香河地区光合有效辐射的测量和计算恒河-亚穆纳河河间地区

    Measurement and calculation of photosynthetically active radiation in Xianghe , Hebei province

  9. 项目内容:拟建在香河现代产业园。

    Project Content : Being Construction in the Modern Industrial Park of Xianghe .

  10. 而这两条公路恰好从香河穿过。

    On the two roads which cross from Xianghe .

  11. 香河县生态环境变化分析

    Analysis of Ecological Environment Change of Xianghe County

  12. 届时,香河与北京周边县区的交往会更加方便,与天津的距离也会大大缩短。

    By then , the surrounding counties and Beijing Xianghe exchanges will be made more convenient , and Tianjin will greatly shorten the distance .

  13. 建设条件:该项目拟建地点位于香河县安平镇103国道旁,香河经济技术开发区内。

    Construction conditions : The project is located in the proposed Xianghe Anping County , the town of103 national highway , Xianghe Economic and Technological Development Zone .

  14. 解放战争时期轰动中外的安平事件即发生在香河,长篇小说《青春之歌》的创作原型即源自香河。

    During the War of Liberation of sensation and foreign events that took place in Anping Xianghe , full-length novel ," Song of Youth " that is derived from the creation Xianghe prototype .

  15. 项目内容:项目拟选址在河北省香河县,东临运河大道,南临天津武清交界处,西临展望公司,北临夏安路。

    Project content : The project planned to be located in the east of Canal Road , south of the junction of Tianjin Wuqing , west of Prospect Company , north of Cheyenne Road .

  16. 一名姓杨的男子表示,他们此前在北京边上的香河县一栋17层公寓楼的工地上工作,但这栋楼已经停建,他们只拿到一半工资。

    One of them , a Mr Yang , said the group had been working on a 17-storey apartment building in Xianghe County , just outside Beijing , but construction had stopped and their wages were only half paid .

  17. 但这些人正要离开北京,返回家乡照看自己的小块农地。一名姓杨的男子表示,他们此前在北京边上的香河县一栋17层公寓楼的工地上工作,但这栋楼已经停建,他们只拿到一半工资。

    But they were leaving the city , going back to their small patches of farmland . One of them , a Mr Yang , said the group had been working on a 17-storey apartment building in Xianghe County , just outside Beijing , but construction had stopped and their wages were only half paid .