
  • 网络camphor wood;C. camphora;Cinnamonum wood;wooden knocker
  1. 杭州市树香樟和栀子花木失绿黄化症的研究碧桃切枝冷藏效果初探

    Investigation and Prevention of the Chlorosis of Camphor Tree and Cape Jasmine in Hangzhou City The Preliminary Study on Cold Storage in Cut Flowing Wood of Winter Jasmine

  2. 比利时杜鹃缺铁失绿症形成机理及诊断技术研究杭州市树香樟和栀子花木失绿黄化症的研究

    The Mechanism and Diagnostic Techniques of Iron Deficiency Induced Chlorosis of Leaves of Rhododendron Hybridum Hort ; Investigation and Prevention of the Chlorosis of Camphor Tree and Cape Jasmine in Hangzhou City