
dīng zi
  • nail;peg;tack
钉子 [dīng zi]
  • [nail;tack] 一端扁平、一端尖锐的金属细棒形物件,起固定、连接作用,也可用以悬挂物品或做别的用处

钉子[dīng zi]
  1. 他用锤子正对着钉子敲下去。

    He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer .

  2. 他把上衣挂在凸出墙面的一根钉子上。

    He hung his coat on a nail protruding from the wall .

  3. 这小玩意儿用来起那些钉子正合适。

    This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out .

  4. 我发现轮胎上扎了一根钉子。

    I found a nail sticking in the tyre .

  5. 她把钉子钉到墙上。

    She hammered the nail into the wall .

  6. 我把钉子钉进墙里。

    I knocked the nail into the wall .

  7. 她在钉子上划了一下。

    She scratched herself on a nail .

  8. 她的连衣裙被钉子钩住了。

    Her dress caught on a nail .

  9. 她把钉子敲了进去。

    She hammered the nail in .

  10. 他用木楔子取代钉子制作家具。

    He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails .

  11. 我稳稳地拿着它将钉子钉了进去。

    I held it still and drove in a nail .

  12. 脸盆架上方用钉子挂着一面镜子。

    A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand

  13. 他把钉子钉到了树枝上。

    He hammered the nail into the branch .

  14. 仅仅是靠缠在门柱钉子上的一小段细绳把门关紧。

    Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut .

  15. 要想固定住地毯,临时钉些钉子是个好办法。

    To hold the carpet in place , it 's a good idea to tap in a few nails temporarily .

  16. 钉子里的铁原子与空气中的氧原子结合后形成氧化铁分子,也就是锈。

    Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide , or rust .

  17. 他的外衣被钉子划破了。

    His coat was torn on a nail .

  18. 她的裙边给钉子钩住了。

    The edge of her skirt caught on a nail .

  19. 不老实的人非碰钉子不可。

    A dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later .

  20. 路上的钉子把车胎戳穿了。

    A nail on the road punctured the tyre .

  21. 你能把这钉子敲进木头里去吗?

    Can you knock this nail into the wood ?

  22. 这钉子太短不合用。

    The nail is too short to serve .

  23. 她的裙子给钉子挂住了。

    Her skirt got caught on a nail .

  24. 他小心地把钉子拾了起来。

    He cautiously picked up the nails .

  25. 这张图画被钉子钉在墙上。

    The picture is attached to the wall by a nail .

  26. 我怀着自豪感,把最后一个钉子钉了进去。

    With a sense of great pride I knocked the last nail in .

  27. 我们从一开始就碰了好几个钉子。

    Right from the start we hit several snags .

  28. 他把钉子钉进墙壁。

    He hammered the nails into the wall .

  29. 钉子穿透了木板。

    The nail ran through the board .

  30. 钉子钩住了她的衣服。

    The nail caught her dress .