
  • 网络Shangri-la Hotel;shangri-la hotel beijing;Shangri-la Hotel Bangkok
  1. 我住在西湖边的一家饭店/香格里拉饭店。

    I stay in a hotel near the West Lake / Shangri-la Hotel .

  2. 在浦东香格里拉饭店有一个冷餐招待会。108位来自美国,加拿大,澳大利亚等国的客人参加了这个招待会。

    108 foreign guests from US , Canada , Australia and so on attended the buffet reception held in Pudong Shangri-La Hotel .

  3. 港岛香格里拉饭店的珀翠餐厅(Petrus)推出了六道菜的套餐,定价为每位3988港币,外加10%的服务费。

    At the Island Shangrila 's Petrus , the price per person for a 6-course set menu was HK $ 3,988 plus 10 % service charge .

  4. 学校占地面积64.4公顷,由3个校区组成,主校区位于北京北三环东路,亚运村东南,交通便利环境幽静,景色迷人;西校区占有地理位置优势,坐落丁几西三环中部,香格里拉饭店附近;

    The university , covering an area of 64.4 hectares , is composed of three campuses . The main campus is conveniently located on the eastern section of the North Third Ring Road , southeast of the Asian Games Village , with a quiet and attractive environment The west campus near the Shangri-La Hotel enjoys an advantageous location on the central

  5. 大连香格里拉大饭店中水回用工程设计规模为60m3/d,采用MBR工艺。

    The wastewater reuse project of ShangriLa Hotel in Dalian City was designed as a MBR facility with capacity of 60 cubic meters per day .