
  • 网络five star hotel;five-star restaurant;W Hotel
  1. 不管是在脏兮兮的机场餐厅抑或五星级饭店,她都要吃虾。

    She would eat them in a grimy airport cafe or a five-star restaurant .

  2. 吃惯了冷冻肉和脱水蔬菜等战地快餐的士兵们说能吃到这种三明治相当于到五星级饭店打了回牙祭。

    Soldiers , who are used to MREs consisting of freeze-dried meat and vegetables , say this sandwich equals a meal in a five-star restaurant .

  3. 他已经在那个五星级饭店预订了一个大包间。

    He has reserved a big private room in that five-star hotel .

  4. 这家五星级饭店的住房率/入住率达90%

    The five-star hotel 's current occupancy rate stands at 90 %

  5. 走进星辉&北京五星级饭店一瞥

    Brilliant Stars A Brief Survey of the Five-star Hotels in Beijing

  6. 在北京,像这样的五星级饭店不止15家。

    There are more than fifteen five-star hotels like this in Beijing .

  7. 这家五星级饭店提供多种多样的设施与服务。

    This five-star hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services .

  8. 我们度蜜月时住的是五星级饭店。

    We stayed in a five-star hotel on out honeymoon .

  9. 在五星级饭店,给搬运工一两个林吉特就足够了。

    At five-star hotels , one or two ringgit will suffice a porter .

  10. 四星级、五星级饭店的设施和住宿标准一般都比较高。

    Facilities and standards of accommodation in four-star and five-star hotels are generally high .

  11. 这是你的第一次被带去那五星级饭店咩?

    This is the first time they 've taken you to a shelter , huh ?

  12. 你现在看到的就是这个城市最有名的五星级饭店。

    That is the most famous five-star hotel in the city that you are looking at .

  13. 贫困国家的五星级饭店将自己作为避难所来推销,但它们正日益成为恐怖主义的目标。

    Five-star hotels in poor countries market themselves as sanctuaries , but increasingly they are targets .

  14. 京广中心是一座集五星级饭店,高级写字楼和豪华公寓为一体的摩天大厦。

    Jingguang Centre is one of the skyscrapers which assemble five-star hotel , luxurious apartments and office as an integral whole .

  15. 我真不理解那些住五星级饭店,把自己交给旅行社的游客。

    I just can 't understand those travelers who stay in five-star hotels and put themselves in the hands of travel agents .

  16. 首先利用聚类分析,定量的描述了上海市五星级饭店空间分布的群聚现象。

    Firstly , the cluster analysis , gave a quantitative descriptions of the spatial distribution of five-star hotel in Shanghai by clusters .

  17. 维多利亚在离开这家五星级饭店前往机场时被摄影记者包围。

    Victoria stalked her way through a crowd of photographers as she left the five-star hotel before being driven to the airport .

  18. 开场白:作为一个领先的五星级饭店,高效专业的为客人回复传真能展现我酒店高质量的服务。

    Prologue : To be leading five star hotels , respond guest confirmation letter efficiently and professionally can present our hotel 's high quality service .

  19. 台北晶华酒店的市场定位是成为全台北最卓越、最受欢迎的国际五星级饭店。

    Grand Formosa Regent Taipei is the most popular and outstanding international five-star hotel catering to the needs of both domestic guests and international business travelers .

  20. 哈夫吃惯了冷冻肉和脱水蔬菜等战地快餐的士兵们说能吃到这种三明治相当于到五星级饭店打了回牙祭。

    HUFF Soldiers , who are used to MREs8 consisting of freeze-dried meat and vegetables , say this sandwich equals a meal in a five-star restaurant .

  21. 但在当地的饭馆里,却没有心要附加小费。在五星级饭店,给搬运工一两个林吉特就足够了。

    But at local restaurants , there 's no need to add a gratuity . At five-star hotels , one or two ringgit will suffice a porter .

  22. 虽然在五星级饭店里美美地享受佳肴一直是你的梦想,但到底去不去就是另一回事了。

    A five-star restaurant that has great food at a great value is your dream dining experience ; whether it exists or not is another question altogether .

  23. 2007年底宾馆荣膺五星级饭店称号,成为申城屈指可数的浦东最大的五星级花园式国宾馆。

    It was granted five-star status in2007 , making this garden state guest hotel the biggest of its kind in Pudong , and one of the best in Shanghai .

  24. 去年,老凤祥在美国开了第一家店,位于国际精品设计师店与五星级饭店林立的第五大道。

    Last year , Lao Feng Xiang opened its first store in the United States - on Fifth Avenue in the midst of international designer boutiques and five-star hotels .

  25. 几年前的一天,一位农民走进北京市中心的一家五星级饭店,向前台小姐询问住宿情况。

    Several years ago , a resident who appeared to be a simple peasant walked / into / a five-star hotel located in downtown Beijing , and enquired about accommodation .

  26. 如果你住在曼谷的某家五星级饭店,就请准备付给搬运工20到50铢,具体的数目得依你的行李多少而定。

    If you 're staying at one of Bangkok 's many five-star establishments , expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht , depending on how many bags you have .

  27. 曾经有一家五星级饭店被我们当作是另一个家,是有品味、有涵养的人士聚会的地方。

    There was a time when a5-star hotel was an acceptable substitute for a home away from home , and a meeting place for people having class , sophistication and culture .

  28. 毕竟中国人没有在鱼上放奶油酱汁的习惯,但是巴黎的五星级饭店做的就是这种鱼。

    After all , no one would even think of putting a cream sauce on fish , but that 's what makes those classy restaurants in Paris so classy , right ?

  29. 并通过对上海五星级饭店影响因子的相关性分析,得出对上海五星级饭店空间分布影响最为显著的变量因子。

    Then through the correlation analysis of impact factor , obtained the most significant influence factors on the issue of spatial distribution of five-star hotels in Shanghai among plenty of variables .

  30. 日前位于中国东部的江苏省苏州市某五星级饭店推出除夕夜天价年夜饭,价格高达388888元。

    A five-star hotel in Suzhou , East China 's Jiangsu Province , has introduced a family reunion dinner on Chinese New Year 's eve with a whopping price of38,8888 yuan ( $ 61,728 ) .