
  1. 采用五次多项式函数插值方法进行关节空间的轨迹规划,满足加速度、加加速度连续的要求,避免机器人驱动关节的振动和冲击。

    Quintic polynomial method has been adopted to plan trajectory in the joint space , which can prevent the joints from vibration and impact .

  2. 由于与三次样条函数相比,五次样条函数具有更大的优越性,所以基于五次样条的NC指令生成与处理技术已成为CAM技术和CNC技术的主要发展趋势之一。

    Compared with cubic splines , quintic splines have more advantages for surface machining . So the generation and processing of NC instructions have become one of the nucleal technologies of CAM and CNC .

  3. 方法一是利用Tikhonov正则化方法,通过构造一个五次样条函数研究了不等距分布下的高阶数值微分问题。

    Solution 1 is to research the question of higher order numerical differentiation under non-uniform distribution by using Tikhonov regularization method and constructing a five order spline funtion .

  4. 方法以Euler-Bernoulli梁理论和有限元插值理论为基础,首先使用五次Hermite插值函数和二次Lagrange插值函数构造了三结点Euler-Bernoulli梁单元的横向和纵向位移场;

    Based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the interpolation theory of the finite element method , the transverse and longitudinal displacement fields of three-node Euler-Bernoulli beam element are constructed using the quintic Hermite and quadratic Lagrange interpolation polynomials .

  5. C~2连续的保形插值五次样条函数

    A C 2 Shape Preserving Interpolating Spline Function of Five Degree

  6. 文中采用Huber&Mises屈服函数在各向异性问题中的推广形式,把材料的塑性变形作为等效塑性荷载处理,并取双五次样条函数为位移试函数,推出了迭代公式。

    By using the Huber-Mises criterion extended by Hill and taking double fifth B-spline functions as the trial functions , we have derived the basic iteration formulas .

  7. 取双五次样条函数为位移试函数,给出了矩形悬臂板横向弯曲问题的加权残值解。

    In this paper , the Weighted Residuals Method is used to analyze the bending problems of the rectangular Cantilever Plate , in Which , the double fifth B-Spline functions are used as the displacements trial functions .

  8. 此外,进行了两种不同插值方法的对比试验,结果表明,利用五次B样条函数构造的轨迹有利于提高轨迹跟踪精度。

    Furthermore , the comparison test is carried out by using two different interpolation methods , and the results show that the trajectory constructed by using quintic B-spline is helpful to improve tracking precision .

  9. 本文采用单五次B一样条函数配点分析了薄板的压曲以及自由振动,用九次样条函数配点分析了几种薄壳的稳定问题。

    In this paper bucking and free vibration problems of thin plates are ana - lysed by using single B & Spline function of degree five collocation method . And stability problems of some thin shells are analysed by using spline function of degree nine .

  10. 本文用最小二乘配点法与初应力法相结合,以双五次B&样条函数为位移试函数,详细推导了薄板弹塑性分析的增量形式的基本公式。

    This paper has deduced the fundamental computational formula in incremental forms for calculating the elasto-plastic problems of thin plates by using the least square collocation method combined with the initial stresses method .

  11. 提出了基于动力学特性分析的驱动输入调理概念。分别采用正弦曲线和五次多项式作为调理函数对系统驱动的动态性能进行了研究。

    Finally , an input-tuning concept aimed at the improvement of the dynamic actuation performance is proposed , for which the sinusoid and quintic tuning function are employed in the dynamic analysis on the system .