
  • 网络May Storm
  1. 他的知识分子的使命感,使他在1968年法国五月风暴中所发出批判、解构现行的制度的呼声。

    His sense of intellectual , makes him issue the voice of " critical , deconstruction the current system " in " May Storm " in France in 1968 .

  2. 20世纪的文化危机一方面引发了以1968年的五月风暴为代表的自发的文化反抗,另一方面使文化批判成为20世纪最重要的哲学主题之一。

    On the one hand , the cultural crisis in the 20th century triggered the spontaneous cultural revolt represented by ' the May Storm ' in 1968 , while on the other hand , it turned cultural criticism into the most important philosophical themes in the 20th century .

  3. 本文的第一部分主要涉及了68年五月革命及五月革命之后的文化背景描述,这一文化背景的获得主要取决于五月风暴的假亢特征。

    The first part of this article talks about the false over-stimulated cultural character and social background of the May Revolution .