
  • 网络educational industrialization;industrialization of education;Industrializing education
  1. 教育产业化纷争:综述与思考

    Dispute on the Industrialization of Education : A Comprehensive Account and Ponderation

  2. 教育产业化的基础是教育市场。

    Industrialization of Education is based on the educational market .

  3. 加入WTO后中国高等继续教育产业化机制探讨

    The Industrialization of The High Continual Education After China 's Entry of WTO

  4. 在教育产业化和市场经济建设的时代风潮中,特别是中国加入WTO以来,高职院校迎来了社会化、市场化所带来的校际竞争和前所未有的挑战。

    In the ages unrest of the education industrialization and the market economy construction , especially with China joined WTO , the high vocational colleges are faced with competition and unprecedented challenge which are brought with socialization and market-oriented .

  5. 高等教育产业化已成为国际趋势。

    The industrialization of higher education has become an international trend .

  6. 论我国高等教育产业化的可能途径

    Basis and Possible Route of Industrialization of China 's Higher Education

  7. 从人力资本理论看继续教育产业化

    A Discussion on Continuous Education Industrialization Based on Human Capital Theory

  8. 高校扩大招生及我国教育产业化的发展

    Enlarged University Enrollment and the Development of Chinese Educational Industrialization

  9. 高等教育产业化实现途径分析

    The Way Analysis is Realized in the Higher Education Industrialization

  10. 中医药对外教育产业化发展思路对外教育政策既是一种针对教育活动的教育政策,也是一种规范涉外活动的外交政策。我国对外教育政策研究

    Our thoughts on industrialization of external education of Chinese medicine

  11. 加快我国高等教育产业化发展的理性思考

    The Rational Thinking of Accelerating the Higher Educational Industrialization in Our Country

  12. 高等教育产业化趋势初探

    A Tentative Discussion on the Industrialization Trend of Higher Education

  13. 高等教育产业化与高校治安保卫

    The Industrialization of Higher Education and Public Security in Colleges

  14. 国外高等教育产业化的理论、主要措施和启示

    Theory , main measure and enlightenment of overseas higher education industrial production

  15. 论知识经济时代的教育产业化及其对策

    On Educational Industrialization and Its Countermeasures in the Times of Knowledge Economy

  16. 21世纪初我国体育教育产业化的战略思考

    Strategic consideration about our country Commercialized Physical Education in early 21st century

  17. 浅议现代企业教育产业化

    A Brief Discussion on the Industrialization of Modern Enterprise Education

  18. 所以市场经济呼唤职业教育产业化。

    Market Economy urgently calls for the industrialization of VTE .

  19. 竞争情报:高校竞争制胜新视角高等教育产业化的竞争情报需求

    Intelligence Competition : a New Perspective for Winning the Competitions between Universities

  20. 精神消费市场与高等教育产业化

    " Spiritual Consumption Market " and Industrialization of Higher Education

  21. 论高等教育产业化投资

    Analysis of the Investment in Higher Education Industrialization in China

  22. 高等教育产业化,是启动精神消费的手段。

    The industrialization of higher education is a means to promote spiritual consumption .

  23. 大学现代远程教育产业化模式分析

    On the Industrialization Patterns of Modern Distance Higher Education

  24. 教育产业化可以优化教育资源的配置,解决学校资金短缺问题,有利于扩大内需。

    Commercialization of education could optimize the limited resources , enlarge domestic demand .

  25. 高等教育产业化与图书馆的战略定位

    Industrialization of higher education and strategic orientation of library

  26. 教育产业化背景下高校财务管理问题与观念的创新

    Financial Management in Universities in Context of Educational Industrialization

  27. 高等教育产业化的观念更新和体制创新

    The renewal of concept and innovation of system for industrialization of Higher Education

  28. 我国高等教育产业化改革中的若干问题

    Some Questions of the Higher Education in Industrialized Reformation

  29. 高等教育产业化问题引起了较大的争议。

    The issue about industrialization of higher education has raised great debates recently .

  30. 我国英语教育产业化发展研究

    A Research of the Development of the Industrialization of English Education in China