
jiào shòu fǎ
  • teaching methods;pedagogics
  1. 徐特立《小学各科教授法》研究

    Research on Xu Te-li 's Pedagogies of Subjects in Primary School

  2. 推介徐特立小学理科教授法

    Recommendation of Xu Te-li 's Science Didactics in Primary School

  3. 青年教学的方法主要有教授法、自主学习法和榜样鼓励教育法。

    And the teaching methods are pedagogy and self-learning .

  4. 大学初级日语教授法研究

    Study on Methodology for Teaching Primary College Japanese

  5. 美国哥伦比亚大学教育心理学教授法泊提出教师职业倦怠有三种类型:情绪衰竭型、狂热型、能力富余型。

    Farber , a professor of psychology of Columbia university , proposes three types of teacher job burnout : worn-out subtype , frenetic subtype , and under challenged subtype .

  6. 本文论述日本的日语教育和日语教授法的历史背景、现代日语教育和日语教授法以及日语教育与日语教授法的发展趋势。

    This article discusses the historical background of Japanese language education and Japanese langrage teaching methods , and the developing tendency of Japanese langrage education and its teaching methods .

  7. 单级教授法成为当时教法研习的主流。文章第三部分:探讨了《湖北教育官报》所体现出的湖北教育近代化改革中的主要问题。

    The teaching style of single-stage professor become popular . Thirdly , the article is to discuss the mainly problems of Hubei education modernization reform which reflected by the official education newspaper .

  8. 本论文主要利用秦荣教授的QR法研究网壳结构的几何非线性静力和动力问题。

    In this paper , static and dynamic problems of the geometrically non-linear performance of network shell structure are studied by the QR-method produced by Professor Qi .

  9. 路志正教授用药心法

    Experience of Professor Lu zhi-zheng on use of medicine Feels grateful heart

  10. 塞尔教授解释了法方和它的许多独特的性能广泛的范围内他的书。

    Professor John Searl has explained the Law of the Squares and many of its unique properties extensively within his books .

  11. 为了降低这些老年人摔跤的风险,蒂内提使用了多种方法,包括请运动教练登门教授平衡练习法。

    To reduce these seniors'risk of falling , Tinetti used multiple methods , including having an exercise teacher go to a person 's home and teach balance exercises .

  12. 王灵台教授倡导补肾法为主治疗慢性乙肝,确立了补肾为主,清肝为辅,同时不忘脾胃的治法;

    Professor Wang Lingtai pioneered in the therapeutic method of chronic hepatitis B , which gives priority to invigorate the kidney , and combine with clearing liver and regulating spleen and stomach .

  13. 明茨伯格辩称,哈佛开创并在多数美国商学院教授的个案研究法,其讲授的决策方法不适合较年轻学员。而这些学员正日益成为美国MBA课堂上的主流。

    He argues that the case method , pioneered by Harvard and taught in most US schools , teaches decision-making that is inappropriate for younger students , who increasingly make up the population in the US MBA classroom .

  14. 不过,在哈佛大学教授破产和商业法的伊丽莎白·沃伦持反对意见。

    Elizabeth Warren , who teaches bankruptcy and commercial law at Harvard University , disagrees .

  15. 夏桂成教授运用调周法治疗乳腺增生经验

    Professor of XIA Gui-cheng ' Experience in the Treatment of Galactophore Hyperplasia With the Way of " Adjusting Zhou "

  16. 普林斯顿大学教授的语文教学法是按照学生的英文基础,以教外文的方式来教导所有的语文。

    For Princeton professors , every language is taught as a foreign language , building on the student 's knowledge of English .

  17. 江山教授认为,对法的内涵进行理解需要考察一下人类最初的发展史。

    Professor Jiang Shan believes that the understanding on law should be carried out from the review of human history at the very beginning .

  18. 本文以小儿感冒为例介绍黎炳南教授运用解表法的经验。

    This paper introduces Professor Li Binnan 's experience in the application of relieving exterior syndrome with common cold in children as an example .

  19. 本章主要介绍了江伟教授在民事诉讼法修改建议稿中所提的立案登记制度,以及围绕这一修改建议,理论界和实务界所展开的激烈讨论。

    The chapter mainly presents the register booking system mentioned by Prof. Jiang Wei in civil procedure law amendment , and the discussions about the amendment between theoreticians and participators .

  20. 在加州大学尔湾分校教授《竞选财务法》的Richase表示,如果法庭这么做的话,那大量的竞选资金限制未来将遭遇挑战。

    Richase teaches Campaign Finance Law at the University of California at Irvine . If court does it , then a whole host of campaign contribution limits could be subjected to future challenge .